Attempting to switch the Impact application to any of the following languages - Polish, Japanese, Russian, Chinese Simplified or Chinese Traditional - may generate an errror message:
Error message displayed when the chosen language is not supported by the current Windows code page
To resolve the issue, follow the method below - note that the steps used Windows 11 and so the process (and images) may differ in other Windows versions).
Via the Start menu, search for Region settings:
Searching for Region Settings in Windows 11
If the language you wish to use (eg Chinese Simplified) is not currently installed, click Add a language.
Language & Region settings in Windows 11
Select the required language (from the Choose a language to install list) and click Next to begin the installation process:

Selecting a language to install in Windows 11
Select the relevant language feature(s) and click
Selecting the language features to install in Windows 11
Once the reqred feature(s) have been installed, click Administrative language settings (further down the same page):
Administrative language settings in Windows 11
On the Administrative tab of the Region popup, click Change system locale:
Changing the system locale in Windows 11
Select the language you wish to use. (eg Chinese Simplified) - click OK and prepare to restart:
Selecting the language for non-unicode programs in Windows 11
System locale restart prompt in Windows 11
After the restart you can now change the Impact language as required (eg Chinese Simplified):
Impact application using the Chinese Simplified language setting in Windows 11