Nalpeiron Error Logging

For the purpose of debugging, you may at some time be asked to generate and share a Nalpeiron debug log file 

From within Impact, follow Options>Environment>Workstation>Licensing, which can be accessed either once connected to an Impact database, or from the Connect dialog.

Within the section, Advanced Activation Options, locate the Log Level selection, and choose the option as instructed from (None|Errors only|Errors and warnings|Errors, warnings and info|Errors, warnings, info and debug), and click OK

The log file ('206aa16f79294eae8f.log') will be created at %ProgramData%\Arden Software Ltd\Impact, typically, C:\ProgramData\Arden Software Ltd\Impact

If a Nalpeiron error is preventing startup, you can enable the options via a registry key.

Start>Run>Regedit (Enter)

Expand Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Arden Software Ltd\Impact

  • For Impact 2016 (aka Impact v10), expand 10\Installs\1
  • For Impact 2019 (aka Impact v11), expand 11\Installs\1
  • For Impact 2022 (aka Impact v12), expand 12\Installs\1
  • For Impact 2023 (aka Impact v13), expand 13\Installs\1

Look for the LicenceLogLevel entry and edit the DWORD (32-bit) value. Valid values include:

0 = None

1 = Errors only

2 = Errors and warnings

3 = Errors, warnings and info

4 = Errors, warnings, info and debug

The log level should be returned to None, when not required, to avoid unnecessary and unrestricted log file growth.

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