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Property Selectors

These settings and selectors are available to multiple tools.

Palette Selector

In some tools it’s likely you will need to select one or more palettes. The Palette Selector is used to choose the palette you want.

Here we can see three separate properties that use the Palette Selector; Knife Palettes, Channel Palettes and Channel Template. Some properties allow you to select one palette only and others allow multiple.

Knife Palettes and Channel Palettes are showing they are selecting multiple by indicating a count, whilst Channel Template is showing an exact name of the chosen palette.

When you click on a Property it will be highlighted as shown above. This will show you a drop down control at the end of the property line as a grey down facing arrow. Clicking on this arrow will open the palette selector shown below. There are three ways of selecting palettes.

  • Palette Selection
    • This gives you a list of palettes currently available and a user can click on one. Holding Ctrl or Shift will allow multiple selection if the property allows it.
    • When the selector is closed the property value shows the chosen palettes as By Name. For example, if 3 palettes are chosen in this list you will get ’3’ By Name
  • Regular Expression
    • This allows you to type in regular expressions to describe the palettes you want to find. This is quite useful if you are expecting palettes that may not be in the current drawing. There is a search button on this page so you can test your regular expression and see the results it will gather. You can add together multiple regex calculations by having them on separate lines.
    • When the selector is closed the property value shows the number of regular expressions defined. For example, ‘1’ By Regex
  • Palette Type
    • This allows the palette types to be used. All types are shown on the left. Tick the types you wish to use. There is a search button on this page so you can test out the palettes to see what is found in the current drawing.
    • When the selector is closed the property value shows the number of types used for the selection. For example, ‘2’ By Type.

You can combine any of these 3 methods of selecting palettes.

Symbol Selector

In some tools it’s likely you will need to select one or more symbols. The symbol selector is used to choose the symbol you want. There are some cases where this will be single symbol or multiple.

Single Symbol

When selecting a single symbol, it is possible to simply type in the name of the symbol that you want to use in the property value. If the symbol is found, then the icon will change from a cross to a symbol icon to indicate this has been found in the current database. This is case insensitive and the folder location is not required.

If you do not know the exact name, then you can open the selector indicated by the grey drown facing arrow at the end of the property. From there you can navigate your database’s folder structure to find the symbol you want. In some cases you get the option to not choose a symbol. If this is what you want, then choose the item or delete any text in the property value.

Multiple Symbols

In some cases, you have the option to choose multiple symbols. In this case a similar selector is displayed, where you can add the chosen items to a list. Use the arrows to add and remove items to and from the list.

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Palette Selector