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Perforation Module

A tool to create a complex pattern of perforation using nick symbols along multiple entities such as a path.

To use this tool it’s expected to have an understanding of Windows and to configure this tool it’s expected to have an understanding of Settings Menus, Property Selectors and Symbol Patterns. For more information on these please follow the hyperlinks.

The tool contains the following functions:

  • Control Panel
    • Opens the settings dialog.
  • Adjustment Panel
    • Opens the adjustment panel.
  • Single
    • Creates perforation along a single user picked geometric entity.
  • Path
    • Creates a perforation path requiring 3 user clicked points.
  • Generate
    • Creates a new line between 2 user picked points and applies the perforation to the line.

How to use the tool

Standard Processing

Method 1

  1. Go to the layer you want to create perforation.
  2. Start the Perforation Control Panel dialog.
  3. Select the required setting from the perforation menu or allow the preset menu to select it for you.
  4. Choose a method that would best suit your need:
    • When you know the two points you want the perforation to go between, the generate tool will allow you to pick these points and generate a single line between the two points.

    • When you have a single geometric entity in the active layer to which you want to apply the perforation tool.

    • When you have multiple entities along a path that need needs the perforation added, following the path even between joins.

Method 2

  1. Go to the layer you want to apply the perforation.
  2. Click on one of the 3 processing methods as detailed above.
  3. You will be asked to confirm the settings that are used.
  4. Choose one or more points or entities as described above. Help is shown in Impact’s status bar.

Adjusting Perforation

  1. Create a perforation as detailed above.
  2. Start the Perforation Creator Adjustment panel.
  3. The Adjustment dialog will appear.
  4. Use the adjust up or adjust down buttons to shift the perforation up or down the entity or path.
    • You can toggle on the end marks or nick symbols for an improved view of the perforation.

Global Setup


Separator Palette

In the adjustment panel this palette represents the transition between teeth and gaps.

Perforation Settings



The origin of the pattern along the path.


  • Single: The nearest point along the clicked entity
  • Path: The start of the path
  • Generate: The start of the entity


  • Single: The midpoint along the clicked entity
  • Path: The midpoint of the path
  • Generate: The midpoint of the entity


  • Single: The furthest point along the clicked entity
  • Path: The end of the path
  • Generate: The end of the entity

Both Ends

  • The pattern begins at both ends working towards the middle of the path or entity.


  • Single: Starts pattern working outwards at every intersection along the entity.
  • Path: Starts pattern working outwards at every intersection along the path.
  • Hole: Starts pattern working outwards at every intersection along the perimeter.
  • Generate: Not available as not currently implemented.

User Picked

  • Single: Starts selection tool to allow the user to pick one or more points along the entity.
  • Path: Starts selection tool to allow the user to pick one or more points along the path.
  • Generate: Starts selection tool to allow the user to pick one or more points along the generated entity.

Ignored Palettes

A collection of palettes that will be ignored when generating a perforation path.


The arrangement of teeth and gaps along the path or entity. See Pattern Editor for more details.


Change Palette

Force the geometry within the chosen path to change their palette.


The palette to which the path will change if change palette is enabled.


If enabled, groups the newly created entities into a block.

Block Name

The name of the block.

Advanced Output

Start Symbol

Optional symbol that is inserted at the start of the path.

End Symbol

Optional symbol that is inserted at the end of the path.


Endless Loop

Constantly create separate perforations until cancelled. This is useful when you know you are going to be placing lots of separate perforations and don’t want the plugin to ask you what setting to use.

Auto Adjust

After completing a perforation, automatically open the adjustment dialog. This is useful when you regularly adjust the perforation created.

Pattern Editor

In the Pattern Editor you can define the structure of the perforation.

Add Alternating Tooth and Gap

This tool will add a tooth or a gap depending on the last item in the list.

Add Gap

Adds a gap to the list. A gap is created by a single nick symbol that is placed centrally at the location of the gap. The symbol used can be selected in the chunk details when selecting the gap.

Add tooth

Adds a tooth to the list.

Add Compressible Tooth

This function is not currently implemented.

Add Expandable Gap

This function is not currently implemented.

Add Marker

Adds a symbol to the path that could indicate a point along the path without adjusting the length of the pattern.

Delete Chunk

Deletes the selected item in the list.

Move Down

Move the selected item down the list if it’s not already at the bottom.

Move Up

Move the selected item up the list if it’s not already at the top.

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