Some tools contain symbol patterns and they work very similar to Impact’s symbol patterns, allowing you to place symbols based on a given perimeter like a dieboard, knife to knife extents, etc.
Boundary Padding
Adjusts the size of the boundary.
Within Boundary
Prevents symbols being placed outside the given boundary.
Collision Attempts
The number of attempts to reposition the symbol. If the symbol cannot be placed without colliding, then it will be removed.
Collision Detection
Detects whether this symbol will collide with the given shape.
Collision Direction
The direction the symbol is shifted if the original location is blocked.
- Disabled - The symbol will not be shifted.
- Down - The symbol is shifted negatively on the Y axis.
- Up - The symbol is shifted positively on the Y axis.
- Left - The symbol is shifted negatively on the X axis.
- Right - The symbol is shifted positively on the X axis.
- Alternate Up-Down - The symbol is shifted on the Y axis. First upwards, then downwards until a position is found or the number of attempts is reached.
- Alternate Left-Right - The symbol is shifted in the X axis. First left, then right until a position is found or the number of attempts is reached.
Collision Step
The distance the symbol is moved to avoid a collision.
Position Anchor
The position on the boundary to use as an origin.
Position Offset
The insert position of the symbol relative to the position anchor.
The symbol used in this symbol pattern.
Grid Offset
Adjust the position of the grid relative to the boundary.
Grid Step
The size of the grid.
Snap to Grid
The position within the boundary the grid is aligned with.
Snap Grid Position
If enabled, the symbol that is inserted will be adjusted to snap to the nearest grid intersection.
Symbol Flip in X
Flip the symbol on the X axis.
Symbol Flip in Y
Flip the symbol on the Y axis.
Symbol Rotation
Rotate the symbol by a given angle.
Symbol Scale
Scale of the inserted symbol.
Insert multiple symbols along a direction.
Translate Offset
The direction to insert symbols.
Translate Quantity
The number of symbols to insert along a direction.
Adaptable Values (New)
Figure 5 The adaptable value editor
Some properties within tool settings can now be redirected to layer variables, project variables, project database values or layer database values. This should help reduce the need for an extremely long list of different settings, as some properties will self-adjust, for example, depending on board grade.
Figure 6 A standard distance property
Figure 7 Adaptable distance property set to a value
Figure 8 Adaptable distance property set to a variable called 'WidthGrain'
Adaptable values have 3 separate modes directing it to the area from which to take the variable: either type a value into the field for a static value or click on the drop-down menu at the end of the field.
When using a project or layer variable there is the possibility that the defined variables do not exist in the project or layer you are working on. If the variable cannot be found, the icon will change to show that the variable cannot be found and will also show the ‘Auxiliary’ alternative the setting will use. This could either be a fixed value or an action the tool will perform.
Figure 9 Shows a variable called ‘WidthGrain’ that cannot be found, so the value 1.40 is used
Figure 10 Shows a variable called 'AgainstGrain' cannot be found and will not continue to process
Selection Method (New)
This acts like a standard distance property indicating a static value that won’t change.
Layer Variable
When choosing Layer Variable, the variables tree view on the right side will refresh showing all valid active layer variables. Not all fields may be shown. For example, if the property requires a distance value, only distances are shown.
Project Variable
Similar to the layer variable mode, but it will show only variables within the active project.
Auxiliary (New)
Figure 11 Available auxiliary modes
Use Value
If the adaptable value is not found, then the property will use the value contained within the value field.
Stop Process
If the adaptable value is not found, then the process will not continue until the variable can be found within the project or is changed to a different variable.
Settings List
The settings list is no longer displayed in alphabetical order but has been rearranged so it becomes easier to find relevant properties. For example, name and description are found at the top.