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Presets are designed to group settings together, to automatically select the required setting and also to make settings favourites.

It does this by using conditional statements. This document explains these statements and shows how to set them up.

Creating a Preset and Assigning it to a Database Value

In this example we are seeing the Stripper Batons tool. I have 2 settings and I want to automatically select the correct setting depending on the project’s description field.

The current settings have multiple rail settings.

In the project I have used the Description Field and put in the value I want to search for. This can be any field within the assigned customer, project, layer, user.

  1. Open the preset collection editor by clicking on the button at the end of the preset menu.

  1. Click Add to create a new preset

  1. Give the preset a suitable name and optionally a description, note and custom Icon.

  1. Click on the Conditional Selection - Expression drop-down to create a statement.

  1. Choose the field from which you want to read.

  1. Type in the value you want to search for in the chosen field. This uses Regular Expression 2.1, so the value can be customised to match a range of different values. (Please see for more info on Regular Expressions).

  1. Click Add to List to confirm the expression. More than one expression can be added to the list.

  1. For each condition that is met, the score for the preset is increased by 1. As this project already has “Bobst” in the description field the condition has been met. This preset has the highest score, so it is now automatically selected

  1. Select the settings that will be linked to the active preset.

Repeat steps 2 – 9 for each of the presets you want. You can make the conditional expression with multiple conditions to suit any database field. When you open a project, the preset with the highest score will be automatically selected.

Making Settings a Favourite

To mark a preset as a favourite, use the Conditional Favouritism. Favourites do not select automatically, but change appearance of the setting within the preset list by overriding the icon with a star and changing the text colour to gold.

Figure 12 Conditional Favouritism is used rather than Selection.

Figure 13 My Setting is now a favourite and is highlighted and coloured differently.

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