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Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Memory Handling Improvements - Large-Address Aware (LAA)

  • 32-bit applications (such as Impact) can only access 2GB of RAM by default - even on a 64-bit OS, with more RAM available.
  • However, it’s now possible to allocate an increased amount of RAM, and to take advantage of this Impact (and the Impact Viewer) 2019 will install a 3GB shortcut:

  • The 3GB shortcuts will then allow Impact (and the Impact Viewer) to run with access to increased RAM on a 32-bit Windows OS, and 4GB under a 64-bit OS.
  • This should be beneficial when importing large 3D models with a high polygon count, or 2D drawings with a large number of entities.

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