Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Non-enforced Null Changes

  • There is a new mechanism within Impact to detect if a user has changed a column's required (nullable) flag so it is not automatically reset at next upgrade.
  • For example, if you configure the ONE_UP.LENGTH to be required (non-nullable) then when updating Impact, this has traditionally always been forced back to not required (nullable).
  • For each column that should NOT have its nullable flag reset you simply need to configure the Do not enforce when updating database checkbox.

  • This option only applies when configured in an exported DBS file that is subsequently imported into an existing database. This means that any upgrade of Impact will not reset these nullable flags.
  • These changes have already been applied to all appropriate columns in the ipds_ddb.dbs file we distribute. No configuration changes are required at any central or site databases.
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