Licence server has revoked all your Impact licences

Problem: Licence server has revoked all your Impact licences 


Error when logging onto Impact: The Licence Server has revoked all your Impact licences 





This is a problem with the communication between the Impact client workstation(s) & the machine which is hosting the Licence Server. When communication is interrupted, Impact users must log completely out of Impact before continuing use. 

Run the following tests to determine the cause and apply the proper solution. 


Test 1 – Impact Licence service 

  • Quit Impact on ALL workstations. 
  • On the Licence Server host, restart the licence server service 
    • Start > Run > Services.msc  
    • Look for “Impact Licence Service” – right-click & restart the service). 
  • Start an Impact client 


Test 2 – Windows Firewall 

  • Disable the Firewalls on both the licence server host and the Impact clients. 
  • Start an Impact client  
  • If connection is successful, check for firewall rules that may be blocking TCP and UDP communication between Impact and Impact Licence Server, in either direction.
    • Workstation ports – TCP 3000 OUT, UDP IN 3000-30XX, UDP OUT 3000-30XX 
    • Licence Server ports – TCP 3000 IN, UDP IN 3000-30XX, UDP OUT 3000-30XX

Note, the port starting number and range given in the above examples is configurable from Licence Server Administration. See TCP/IP and UDP Port.
In this example, UDP port 3000 represents the 'First UDP Port' specified, and XX represents the 'Total UDP Ports' above that first port.

If you're using Program-based Firewall allowance, make sure the firewall rule on the Impact client is pointing at the relevant Impact.exe path following any upgrade.


Test 3 – Licence Server Administration 

  • Open LicAdmin.exe – located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arden Software LTD\Licence Server 
  • In Server Administration 
    • Server Settings – Set Total UDP Ports based on the following documentation: TCP/IP and UDP Ports
    • Advanced Settings – Set Timeout (secs) to a larger number   

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