How do I change the drawing background colour in the Impact Viewer?


By default, when viewing a project’s Preview Pane, the background is black in the stand-alone Impact Viewer.




In Impact Viewer, the Preview Pane’s background colour is tied to the GUEST user’s Project Background colour. Follow these steps to change the default colour. 

  1. 1. Log in to Impact Viewer and, in the Databases pane, right-click your Impact database and click on Properties 

  1. 2. Choose Connect as Guest, uncheck User Master Tool Settings from this connection, click OK to close this screen and then click OK on the two following Information dialog boxes 

  1. 3. Restart Impact Viewer by exiting and opening the application 

  1. 4. In the Standard Toolbar click on the Impact Viewer Options icon   

  1. 5. In the Colours section and under General Colours, click on the (Primary) category, click on Project Background, and then click the Change button. 

  1. 6. Choose your preferred background colour, click OK button to close the Colour window, and then click the OK button to close the Impact Viewer Options window 

  1. 7. In the Databases pane, right-click your Impact database and click on Properties. 

  1. 8. Choose Connect as Guest, uncheck User Master Tool Settings from this connection, click OK 

  1. 9. Right-click your Impact database and click on Connect 

  1. 10. Your background should now be your chosen colour 


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