Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

Advanced Setup

The plugin can have multiple configurations stored within the database. This is similar to how Impact’s multiple sites work and is only recommended for advanced users.

Please contact your Arden Software Ltd representative on instructions on how to use this feature.

When enabled and you have more than one setting, then the Open context menu expands to show all the available configurations in your database. The first item in the list, just above the separator, shows the currently loaded configuration and has, by default, a green icon.

Clicking on a listed setting will load that setting.

Figure 1 Context menu in advanced database mode.

Figure 2 The Settings Manager shows configurations when in advanced database mode as indicated by the Gear icon.

You will also see the name of the configuration in the title bar. This can be edited in the global settings.

Configure icons

The configurations are shown in multiple different icons that represent the statues of the configuration.

Active Configuration

This configuration is currently active and it's up to date.

Active Configuration with changes

This configuration is currently active but has got changes yet to be saved to the database

Imported Active Configuration

This configuration is currently active and has been imported from a file.

Non-Active Configuration

This configuration is in the database and up to date but is currently not active

Active out of date Configuration

This configuration is currently active, but its setting version doesn’t match the plugin version. It’s recommended to save it into the database to automatically update this setting

Non-Active out of date configuration

This configuration is in the database, but its settings version doesn’t match the plugin version. It’s recommended to activate the configuration and save it into the database.

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