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Illustrator Workflow

Standalone Plug-in for Improved Adobe Illustrator File Exchange

  • A plug-in for Adobe Illustrator for Mac and PC has been developed.
  • The plugin is currently compatible with Adobe Illustrator Version 17 (CC 2015.5), 18 (CC 2017) & 19.
  • The plug-in provides improved layer support (automatic creation of PDF layers corresponding to Impact palette names); automatic artboard resizing (to the design extents) and locking of dielines for Impact-created PDF files exported from Impact 2010 & later.
  • The plug-in searches within a PDF file for the pdf:Producer>Impact< tag. If this is found the PDF file is assumed to be an Impact-generated PDF:

  • The PDF is then processed in accordance with the plug-in preferences, which are configured within Adobe Illustrator itself (via the Window>Arden Software menu):


A dedicated help page has been created for the ‘Impact Plug-in for Adobe® Illustrator®’ which can be found here:


  • Note, further Adobe Illustrator plug-ins are now being developed to deliver, amongst other features, live 2D/3D preview of graphics as edited and saved within Illustrator.

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