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Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

User Interface

Tool Search in Keyboard Assignment

When assigning keyboard shortcuts in Options > Environment, you can be confronted by a large list of available tools. This can make it very difficult to find the tool you are looking for. Impact 2022 has a new feature that allows you to search for a tool.

Enter all or part of the tool name in the entry box and click on Find Now. The list of tools will now only contain matching names.

Copy Symbol Name from Entity Inspector

Impact 2022 provides a context menu from the Symbol Name field within the Entity Inspector that copies the name to the Windows clipboard.

Advanced formatting for layers displayed in Drawing Hierarchy

A new display option for layers has been introduced, which controls how they are listed in the Impact Explorer’s Drawing Hierarchy panel. This is designed to allow easier recognition of individual layers, by allowing the inclusion of key details, such as a unique layer reference.

An example of alternative Layer display style

It is possible to apply a common, custom style for all layers, or set up a display style to complement the database fields available to each layer type.

Longer term, this customisable layer display option is expected to be applied across other areas of Impact, for example, the drawing’s layers tab.

Note, these new options are set within the Database Operation MTS, so can be individually customised on a user group level. Before utilising the advanced formatting options, you will need to set up an appropriate Formatted Strings master tool setting (MTS) for the LAYERS table, and/or any other specific layer types whose display you wish to customise.

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