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Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

3D Features

3D Lock Modes

When viewing a 3D scene using any of the 2D views (Above, Below, Front, Back, Left, Right) or a multi-viewport screen layout which makes use of those views (Quarters, Split Horizontal, Split Vertical, etc), the 3D implementations of the Dimension Aligned, Enquire Distance 2 Points & Move (freehand) tools will respect the Vertical & Horizontal Lock Modes (Draw>Lock Vertical & Draw>Lock Horizontal):

Viewing a scene from a Reference view will not.

Respecting Lock modes should make things easier for 3D users to measure & dimension distances between objects, where constraining the cursor would be advantageous.

3D Export Progress Bar

When exporting a 3D scene, a progress bar is now displayed, allowing you to keep track of the progress of the export:

3D Import Progress Bar

The import progress bar was only displayed for certain file formats (e.g. .stp & .igs) but not for others like .stl. The progress bar is now displayed for all import formats:

On-Screen Widget for 3D Navigation

An optional camera widget can be displayed, which provides continuous camera control without stopping any currently running 3D tool:

  • Camera Widget – enable/disable the widget
  • Widget Size – vary the size of the widget (small, medium (default) or large).
  • Hide & constrain mouse when dragging – if enabled, this will hide the mouse cursor (whilst dragging) and constrain the mouse position so that it can’t be dragged beyond the extents of the widget.
  • Enable camera transition animations – if enabled, this allows camera position changes (e.g. Left to Front or Front to Reference to be completed smoothly)

Simply click & drag on the widget to rotate the current view. Hovering the cursor over any face of the widget allows you to click on a specific view (Above, Left, Right, Reference etc) to jump quickly to that view. This development approximates the use of an external 3D mouse and should provide a significant time saver for 3D users.

Collada Export Improvements

Improved *.DAE and *.ZAE compatibility with 3rd-party applications (Strata 3D V8b & IC3D). All changes are internal.

Support for glTF 2.0 3D file format

Impact now supports the export of 3D layers in glTF 2.0 file format. This format more closely resembles the realistic Truview features achievable within Impact 3D environments, and has become a common file format within for online model exchange, thanks to its more compact file size than Collada, for example. The export of glTF is also typically quicker to generate, making it more useful for web-to-pack solutions where nServer is generating 3D models for preview purposes of online customised packaging.

JSON Document format

We have introduced the ability to export a limited subset of 3D face geometry data as a JSON document that can be consumed by external software to perform, for example, analysis of the resulting carton.

Improved 3D Textures with Higher Resolution Artwork Files

Improved texture quality with larger artwork files – results in an improved Impact 3D scene and exported file. All changes are internal.

Simplified Animation

A new Animation frame steps control has been added, which allows you to move back & forth along the time-line, by a consistent number of steps, without using the Animation Editor Standard Toolbox. The control may be displayed via the Animation Properties form:

You can click & drag on the scratch bar/animation slider to move forwards/backwards by the specified number of frames (10 frames by default):

The control is intended to work in conjunction with the Animation Record Mode. Switch into record mode, modify the scene, and then simply click & drag the scratch bar/animation slider to advance to the next frame to be recorded. Modify the scene once more and then simply click & drag the scratch bar/animation slider to advance to the next frame…

For simple animations, this will provide a quicker & cleaner method for animating a 3D scene.

Prompt to make similar 3D objects visible when adding a new one

If your 3D visibility settings are configured to hide a particular object type/object types (e.g. Lights and/or Cameras, Grids) and you add one of these object types to the scene, you’ll now receive a suppressible message:

Previously, the object would be added to the scene but would not be visible due to your visibility controls.

Quick/Direct 3D Layer Creation

You can now create a true 3D Layer in a project without using the Shape Creator or 3D Viewer tools.

Adding a new layer via the Layer tabs, via File>New>Drawing Layer, via the Drawings Hierarchy itself or via Options>Project>Layers now allows you to create true 3D type layers:

This will provide a time saving if you need to create a 3D scene quickly, e.g. for importing solid objects into or placing 3D Components in.

New & Improved 3D Snapshot Mechanism

The 3D Snapshot Wizard mechanism has been replaced. You can now generate 3D Snapshots via the 3D Snapshot tool:

Or via the new 3D Snapshot Standard Toolbox:

Note that the 3D Snapshot tool still uses the configured Master Tool Settings (although the 3D Snapshot Wizard itself has been removed):

The 3D Snapshot tool will generate a snapshot in accordance with the settings which are currently displayed within the 3D Snapshot Standard Toolbox. This cuts out the previous Wizard-style interface completely and allows you to create a snapshot via a single mouse-click.

As you might expect, you can also create a keyboard shortcut to activate the tool:

The 3D Snapshot Standard Toolbox provides access to the 3D Snapshot Master Tool Settings (allowing you to pick from the installed settings or make overrides to the settings themselves), the destination folder or open the destination folder:

The Snapshot button will generate a snapshot (in accordance with the current settings), whilst the Snapshot and Open button will generate a snapshot and open the subsequent file (assuming a suitable application is installed).

The single-click snapshot and improved exposure to the relevant Master Tool Settings will provide significant time savings.

Info & Warning Text added to 3D Wizard Texture Quality Control

Impact now displays the actual texture sizes which will be created for a folding model within the 3D Wizard. Additionally, a warning is displayed when the Unlimited option is selected:

Clip Artwork to Geometry (Multi-Part Layer)

When a drawing layer contains multiple closed profiles, Impact is now able to clip artwork to a specific profile when generating a 3D layer. This prevents a loss in image quality as we’re now clipping the artwork to the extents of the closed profile, as opposed to the entire Cut extents of the drawing layer.

Return of the 3D Overall (X,Y,Z) Dimension Tool

The Automatic Dimension tool has now been enabled for 3D operation – allowing the quick dimensioning of selected 3D objects:

The Edit Bar options are as follows:

  • Settings – as with any other dimension tool, pick from the range of installed Dimension Settings. Note that you can make temporary overrides.
  • Align X/Y/Z – pick the required placement of the dimensions in the specified-axes; Minimum/Maximum.
  • Toggle X/Y/Z – enable/disable the X/Y/Z-axis dimensions.
  • Apply – will add the enabled dimension entities to the scene, in accordance with the Edit Bar options.

The Align options set the positioning of the dimensions relative to the extents of the selected object – so in the above example, Minimum Y places the dimensions at the base of the object (as opposed to the top) and Minimum Z places the dimensions at the front of the object (as opposed to the back).

Unless a selection is made, the tool will be unavailable. Once a selection is made, run the tool and pick the required Alignment options for each axis that you wish to dimension. Click Apply to add the dimension entities to the scene. The dimension entities will then be added to the 3D Scene tab of the Impact Explorer (as with any other 3D dimension entities). They can be selected, edited (position & content via the Entity Inspector) and deleted.

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