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Quick Duplicate Layer Tool

  • A new Edit tool (Block>Duplicate Current Layer) allows the quick duplication of the current drawing layer.
  • Many users make use of the Copy layers functionality for this purpose – but the form that’s displayed prompts you to copy any layer from any open project. This process can be quite long-winded if you only wish to copy the current drawing layer.
  • The new tool requires no user input – it simply makes a copy of the current drawing layer – providing a significant time-saving.
  • The tool is available via the Block menu:

  • Via the Drawings Hierarchy tab of the Impact Explorer:

  • Via the Layer Tabs:

  • And also via a user-definable hot-key (note that the tool is listed within the Edit Tools category):

  • In operation, the tool duplicates the current layer (and associated database information) and adds a _1 suffix to the layer name.

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