Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

Layer Tabs

You can change the current layer using the Layer Tabs at the bottom of the drawing area, beside the scroll bars. See also the section on Special Key-presses When Changing Layers.

Right-clicking on the tabs displays a context menu with the following options:

  • New Layer - starts the File - New - Drawing Layer tool.
  • Markup - creates a markup layer. This layer is simply a new layer containing a layer insert of the original layer. Certain tools, such as Plot tool and Layer properties, are disabled for this type of layer.
  • Copy - starts the Blocks - Copy Layers tool.
  • Duplicate - starts the Blocks - Duplicate layer tool.
  • Delete - starts the Edit - Delete Current Layer tool.
  • Refresh - use this button to quickly switch off the visibility of all layers except the current layer.
  • Sort - allows you to sort the layer tabs alphabetically by name, by type order, or in your own order (by dragging the tabs).
  • Properties - opens the Layer Properties form. Another way of opening the Layer Properties form is to double-click the layer tab. This will change the current layer first, if necessary.

A user-defined tab order is achieved by clicking on a tab and dragging it to a new position, horizontally. This will automatically change the Sort method to User Defined.

If there are too many layers to fit in the space allocated for the tabs, you can use the down-arrow key to show a list of layers, from which you can choose the one to make current. Alternatively, you can use the scroll keys  to show more tabs.


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