Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

Customer Groups

Customer groups can be used to easily find all customer records where those businesses are part of a group of companies. In some company groups not all of the companies have a common name, making it difficult for users to know which companies are part of the group.  This information can then be used for reporting.  Multiple addresses can be associated with customer groups.

Jump to the WEBcnx topic on 'Creating Customer Groups'

Customer groups can be configured in two different ways.  If customer groups are not yet configured in your environment, an Impact administrator should follow the instructions detailed in the article How to configure customer groups.

Using Customer Groups

Once either method is configured you can edit the CUSTOMER records and assign a customer group to individual customers. 

A customer group record

A customer group record

A company belonging to a customer group

A company belonging to a customer group

When customer groups are configured the customer selector will show them and include all customers from each group. Filtering within the customer selector will always show all customers from a group if the group itself matches the filter.

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