Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

Stripper Support Rails Module

Designed to create all required geometry for the stripper rails.

To use this tool, it’s expected to have an understanding of Windows and to configure this tool it’s expected to have an understanding of Settings Menus, Property Selectors and Symbol Patterns. For more information on these please follow the hyperlinks.

The tool contains the following functions

Control Panel

Opens the settings dialog.

Create Bars

Processes the stripper using the current setting.

Solid Fill

Fills the available stripper with colours indicating positions that stripper support rails can and cannot go.

Global Setup

Block Naming

Plan View

When plan view bars are created, this is the name of the block the bar is inserted into.

Side View

When side view bars are created, this is the name of the block the bar is inserted into.

Nested View

When side view bars are created, this is the name of the block the nested bar is inserted into.

Solid Fill

Bad Area Colour

The colour that represents areas in the stripper that contain obstructions.

Clearance Area Colour

The colour that represents clearance areas and surrounds good areas. The size of this area can be adjusted in the stripper bar settings.

Good Area Colour

The colour that represents recommended areas for the placement of stripper support rails.

How to use the tool

Standard Processing

Method 1

  1. Go to the layer in which you want to add the support rails.
  2. Start the Routing Dialog.
  3. Select the required setting from the routing menu.
  4. Click the Process button.

Method 2

  1. Go to the layer in which you want to add the support rails.
  2. Click the Create Bars button.
  3. This will use the currently active setting.

Show visual Aid

The tool shows areas of the stripper that are valid for placing stripper bars by filling the area with a given colour. This can also be started automatically by enabling Auto solid fill within the settings.

  1. Go to the layer you want to view.
  2. Start the Routing Dialog.
  3. Select the required setting from the routing menu.
  4. Click the Solid Fill button.


Here we explain some troubleshooting and tips for the stripper rails to get this tool working the way you want it to.

When using symbols for the Rails where are my symbol origins?

In most cases these are the midpoint between the open ends, or in the centre for the plan view fastening hole. For extra clarity, find the setting in this document and you will see the origin in the example image. If there is a case where you want to use existing symbols that don’t have a central origin you can use the symbol offset to offset the symbol when inserted so it will be placed correctly. But it is recommended to use the default origins for new symbols to simplify the setup.

Setup Guide

In the setup of rails these areas indicated are referred to in multiple places.



Stripper Rail Settings

Advanced settings

Next Setting GUID

For strippers that include multiple types of rails, this property can be filled with the identification number of another stripper setting so the tool will automatically restart the stripper rail placement without the need for the user to start the tool more than once. This can be useful if the stripper has a combination of steel and wooden rails.

Figure 48 This setting has the GUID value of the setting named "Generic Steel Support Rail" so when the wooden support rail is finished, it will automatically trigger the steel setting.

Existing Product

External Palettes

Select all the palettes that are used for the external perimeter of the stripper. This includes a separate palette that you use for the grip edge or centre notch.

Internal Palettes

Select all the palettes that are used for the internal waste areas of the stripper.

Perimeter Fill Colour

Fills the stripper perimeter with colour to make the stripper more visible. This colour can be adjusted in the global settings.

Perimeter Fill Clearance

Creates a secondary fill area that can be used as a clearance indicator from the perimeter.

Back Bar

Usually refers to a mechanical bar that is located inside the press and used to hold the stripping unit in place.


The method used to define the location of the back bar.


No back bar will be inserted into the canvas. The support rail claws cannot be placed as the positions along the length of the support rail are not known.

Manual Placement

Allow the user to place the back bars location by clicking on a point in the canvas. This can be used with the Back Bar Snap Mode for more accurate placement.

Auto Between Placement (New)

The tool will scan the active drawing looking for one or more symbols defined in the Back Bar Auto Placement Symbols field, then use the median point between the highest and lowest origin of the symbols inserted into the layer containing those symbols.

Auto Lowest Placement (New)

The tool will scan the active drawing looking for one or more symbols defined in the Back Bar Auto Placement Symbols field, then use the lowest on the Y Axis insert origin of the symbols inserted into the layer containing those symbols.

Auto Highest Placement (New)

The tool will scan the active drawing looking for one or more symbols defined in the Back Bar Auto Placement Symbols field, then use the highest on the Y Axis insert origin of the symbols inserted into the layer containing those symbols.

Auto Placement Symbols (New)

Defines one or more symbols used when inserting the back bar in automatic mode. These are often the breaker symbols. Please note the different modes involved with automatic back bar placement as detailed above.


The palette used to represent the back bar.


The width of the back bar on the Y Axis.


Figure 49 20mm back bar (left), 12mm back bar (right)


Adjust the Y axis offset of the back bar from the chosen location.


Keeps the bar geometry within the layer once the placement of the support rails is complete.

Snap Mode

The snap mode to default to when placing the back bar manually.


Vertical Rails

A collection of settings for vertical rails, which start from the grip edge and finish at the rear of the stripper. See Vertical Rail Settings for more details.

Horizontal Rails

A collection of settings for horizontal rails, which can be placed parallel to the grip edge. See Horizontal Rail Settings for more details.


Initial Offset

The distance from any existing entity to the first support rail as the leftmost nested item.


The distance between each support rail when nested.

Generate Border

Generates a border around the nested side view support rails.

Border Palette

The palette used for the border of the nested side view support rails.

Holding Bridge Side

Switch the holding bridge direction for the nesting perimeter palette.

Group Support rails

Group all the support rails and the border into a single block.

Border Offset

The size of the border around the generated side view support rails.

Rounded Corners

Create rounded corners to the nested border.

Stack Vertically

Enable the nester to stack shorter rails on top of each other to save material. The maximum height is based on the longest rail produced.


Output Layer Name

The name of the layer in which to output the results of the side view process. If empty, then the items are inserted into the current layer.

Output Layer Type

The name of the layer type to create if the output is going to a newly created layer.

Layer Override

Define what happens if existing items are found in the output layer.


Create a separate layer for the output if an existing layer is found.


Clear the contents of the existing layer and replace it with the new items.

Stack in X Axis

If the output layer contains items, then place the new items to the right side of any existing ones.

Return to Layer

When sending the rails to an alternative layer, this option allows you to switch back to the layer where the user started.

Dynamic Symbol Settings

In the stripper rail settings, the position of some items or surrounding geometry can be adjusted, e.g. the grip edge of the vertical rail.


Move the item up or down the rail by a fixed value.

Profile Reduction

Remove a section of the perimeter where the item is located.


Define the symbol that is inserted. If no symbol is used, the basic geometry is drawn, often a simple line to close the rail.

Symbol Offset

This is an offset on the X and Y axis that is applied to the symbol when being placed.


The distance to the rail ends can be adjusted by this value, often to stop a rail short from the back edge or the stripper or to extend the rail past the perimeter.


Some controls can automatically adjust the profile of the stripper rail without a symbol. The value indicates how deep the adjustment will be into the rail.

Side Notch

Where on the rail a notch is placed in the side view. The following options are available:

  • Disabled - No notch is placed.
  • Base - Placed in the base section close to the back of the female stripping tool.
  • Top - Placed in the top section furthest from the back of the female stripping tool.
  • Mid - Placed between the top and the base of the rail.
  • Both - Placed at the top and the base of the rail.

Vertical Rail Settings



The user-friendly name of this rail setting used in the list of settings for easy identification.


Short description or notes for the stripper rail. This will be displayed in the status bar when positioning the rail.

Solid fill

Auto Solid Fill

Automatically generate the solid fill when placing the stripping rail.

Safety Clearance

If the solid fill is enabled, this gives an additional clearance from the stripper rail.

Plan View

Plan Mode (New)

The method used to define how the plan view is inserted into the layer.

Manual Placement (New)

Allow the user to identify the plan view location by clicking on a point in the canvas. This can be used with the Plan View Snap Mode for more accurate placement.

Automatic Placement (New)

The tool will scan the active drawing looking for one or more symbols defined in the Plan Auto Placement Symbols field, then use the median point between the highest and lowest origin of the symbols inserted into the layer.

Plan Auto Placement Symbols (New)

Defines one or more symbols used when inserting the plan view in automatic mode. When exiting the stripper tool, the Stripper Rail tool can be triggered to pick up the symbols and generate a full rail.

Figure 50 Left shows several placement symbols in the layout. These can be inserted manually or via a symbol pattern within the stripper tool.

Remove Auto Placement Symbols

Remove the symbols that are used for locating automatically placed rails.

Plan End Mode

The method used to find the end location of the support rail

From Female

The support rail will end at the edge of the female stripper board plus any additional offset from the property Plan End Offset.

From Back Bar

The support rail will end at the back bar location plus any additional offset from the property Plan End Offset.

Rail Width

The thickness of the material used for the support rail.

Figure 51 A steel rail width of 6mm (left) and a wooden rail of 15mm (right)

Plan Remove Placement Symbols (New)

If enabled, any symbols that have been used by the automatic plan placement will be removed, otherwise they will be left inside the drawing.

Plan Snap Mode

The snap mode to switch to when placing a support rail manually.

Plan Symbol Patterns

The symbol patterns to use on the plan view support rail. The extents of the plan support rail will be used as the perimeter, including any additional width generated by claw symbols.

Plan Profile

Plan Grip

Refers to the rail where it meets the grip edge. On some machines this is overhanging the grip of the stripper, on others it is a set distance away from the perimeter of the stripper. In most cases a symbol is not required but can be linked if needed. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 52 Example of a ‘Plan Grip’ Symbol: no symbol assigned (top left), a symbol assigned (top right) and the complete symbol (bottom).

Figure 53 Example of a ‘Plan Grip’ clearance with a value of 2mm (left) and 10mm (right)

Plan Claw

Refers to the clamping mechanism often found near the rear of the rail. This is usually hook/claw shaped and is used to lock the tooling into the press. If there is no symbol for the claw, then a line is generated. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 54 Example of a 'Plan Claw' symbol. A symbol has been assigned in the left example but not on the right

Figure 55 Example of a ‘Plan Claw’ adjustment of 10mm (left) and a 15mm offset (right)

The symbol inserted into the plan view at the claw position. If no symbol is chosen, the claw is not inserted.

Plan Back

Refers to the rail where it meets the rear/back edge. In most cases the rail is reduced in this area to allow for routing. Mostly a symbol is not required, but one can be linked if needed. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 56 Example of a ‘Plan Back’ symbol: Left rail shows no symbol assigned, right rail shows a symbol assigned and the far right shows the complete symbol indicating the origin.

Figure 57 Example of a ‘Plan Back’ clearance of 2mm (left) and 5mm (right).

Plan Perimeter

The palette used for the perimeter of the plan view support rail.

Plan Fastening

Refers to the fastening method of joining the rail to the female stripping tool. In most cases this is a lug that consists of a rectangular hole in the female stripper. The rail has an interlocking profile, sometimes referred to as a finger joint. Other types of joining methods can be used as well, such as mechanical joins like screws.

Plan Fastening Adjustment

Allows the fasting location to be adjusted after each rail is placed.


The default location of the fastening is used, and no option will be available to adjust their location.


The default location of the fastening is used, but the process will be paused to allow the user to manually reposition the fastenings. Shift-clicking on a lug will allow deletion of the fastening.

Plan Fastening Distribution

The method used to place fastenings across the length of the support rail.


No fastening is placed.

Set Distance

The bar will be filled with fastenings that are spaced exactly by the ‘plan fixing separation’ property, starting from the first fixing on the grip edge continuing until it reaches the last fastening on the back edge.

Single Centrally

Places a single fastening centrally along the rail. Use the separation value to define the minimum length of the rail to require a centrally placed fastening.

Two Only

Places a fastening at the start of the rail and at the rear of the rail. Use the separation value to define the minimum distance between the two fastenings. If the fastenings fall too close together, then no fastening will be inserted.

1-2 Evenly Spaced

The stripper rail will have 1-2 fastenings placed evenly spaced across the length of the rail. If the fastenings at either end fall closer than the clearance value, then a single fastening will be placed centrally.

2-3 Evenly Spaced

The stripper rail will have 2-3 fastenings placed evenly across the length of the bar, maintaining a minimum separation between the fastenings as defined in the Plan lug separation property.

2-4 Evenly Spaced

The stripper rail will have 2-4 fastenings placed evenly across the length of the bar, maintaining a minimum separation between the fastenings as defined in the Plan fastenings separation property.

Plan fastening Start Clearance

The distance from the start of the rail to the origin of the first fastening symbol.

Figure 58 A first fastening clearance of 30mm (left) and of 60mm (right)

Plan fastening End Clearance

The minimum distance from the back edge to the origin of the last lug. Or, if set to 2-3 Evenly Spaced, this is the exact distance from the back edge to the last lug.

Figure 59 A distance of 30mm (left) and 50mm (right) from the back of the rail to the last fastening

Plan Fastening Separation

The (minimum) distance between each lug. See Plan Fastening Distribution for more info.

Figure 60 Value is set to 100mm: mode 2-3 evenly with a fastening distance over 100mm (left) and fastening at a fixed distance (right)

Plan Fastening

Refers to the symbol used for fastening that is placed in the female stripping tooling. These are often square holes for interlocking finger joins, but could also be a drill hole for screws. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Side View

Side Generation

Generate the side view of the support rail.

Side Perimeter Palette

The palette used in the side view for the support rail perimeter.

Side Laser Width

Offsets the perimeter of the side view to account for the laser beam width.

Holding Bridge Side

Switch the holding bridge direction for the side view perimeter palette

From Palette

Use the side defined by the side of the Perimeter Palette


Force the holding bridge to the left side.


Force the holding bridge to the right side.


Force the holding bridge to use both sides.


The Z axis distance from the back face of the stripper to the top of the support rail. Please note the side laser width will be considered.

Figure 61 Example showing a rail with a height of 50mm

Side Symbol Patterns

The symbol patterns to use on the side view support rail. The extents of the side support rail will be used as the perimeter. Includes any additional width generated by claw symbols.

Side Profile

Side Grip

Refers to the rail where it meets the grip edge. On some machines this is overhanging the grip of the stripper, on others it is a set distance away from the perimeter of the stripper. In most cases a symbol is not required but can be linked if needed. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings about the customisation of this item.

Figure 62 Example of a ‘Side Grip’ symbol: a symbol assigned (left) and the complete symbol (right).

Side Claw

Refers to the clamping mechanism often found near the rear of the rail. This is usually hook/claw shaped and is used to lock the tooling into the press. Here you can use a symbol to represent a separate component bolted to the side of the rail or have a symbol that merges with the profile for built-in claws. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 63 Example of a ‘Side Claw’ symbol: a stock part bolted to the rail (left) and the symbol in the database (right)

The amount of perimeter that is trimmed off at the location of the claw, commonly used if the claw is integrated into a support rail.

Side End

Refers to the rail where it meets the rear/back edge. In most cases the rail is reduced in this area to allow for routing. In most cases a symbol is not required but can be linked if needed. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 64 Example of a ‘side back’ symbol: a custom profile with a taper (left) and the symbol in the database (right)

Figure 65 Example of a 'Side Back' Profile Reduction. As a symbol is used on the back, the perimeter lines need to be reduced to account for the geometry in the symbol.

Side Symbol Geometry

Insert the symbols in the side view as geometry, breaking the link with the database.

Side Fastening

Side Fastening

Refers to the symbol used for fastening this rail in the female stripping tooling. It is often a square lug that interlocks with a hole in the female stripping tool. These fastening positions directly link to the fastenings in the plan view. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 66 Example of a 'Side Fastening' symbol placed at the location of the fastening

Figure 67 Example of a 'Side Fastening' profile reduction. As a symbol is used on the fastening position, the perimeter lines need to be reduced to account for the geometry in the symbol

Connected Rail

Side Connected Horizontal Rail Ends

In side view, a symbol like screw holes or interlocking lap joins can be inserted at horizontal rail ends when a horizontal rail connects vertical rails. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 68 Example of two vertical rails connected by a single horizontal rail. Where the vertical rails meet the horizontal rail, the chosen symbol is inserted into the side view.

Side Connected Horizontal Rail Intersection

When a vertical rail is connected to a horizontal rail, a symbol can be inserted at the intersection in side view. Alternatively the rail can automatically create a rectangular notch inside the rail. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 69 An automatically generated notch at the top of a vertical rail at an intersection

Horizontal Rail Settings

Horizontal rails add extra strength to strippers. They are usually found in very large stripping units or strippers that have a lot of internal waste and need extra support.



The user-friendly name of this rail setting shown in the list of settings to make identification easy.


Short description or notes for the stripper rail displayed in the status bar when positioning the rail.

Plan View

This category deals with common properties about the stripping rail in the plan view

Plan End Mode

The method used to find the end location of the support rail.

From Nearest Vertical Rail

The horizontal rail will be placed between the two nearest vertical rails or nearest perimeter. When the user chooses a point between the outer perimeter and the furthest vertical rails, the horizontal rail will be placed between the outer edge and the nearest rail.

From Furthest Vertical Rail

The horizontal rail will be placed between further vertical rails when a user chooses a point between them. When the user chooses a point between the outer perimeter and the furthest vertical rails, the horizontal rail will be placed between the outer edge and the nearest rail.

From Extents

The horizontal rail will be placed starting and ending at the extents of the stripper

From Perimeter

Vertical rails will be ignored, and the rail will meet the nearest stripper perimeter.

Plan Mode

The method used to define how the plan view is inserted into the layer.

Manual Placement

Allow the user to place the plan view location by clicking on a point in the canvas. This can be used with the ‘Plan View Snap Mode’ for more accurate placement.

Automatic Placement

The tool will scan the active drawing for one or more symbols defined in the ‘Plan Auto Placement Symbols’ field, then use the median point between the highest and lowest origin of the symbols inserted into the layer.

Plan Auto Placement Symbols

Defines one or more symbols used when inserting the Plan view in automatic mode. When exiting the stripper tool, the Stripper Rail tool can be triggered to pick up the symbols and generate a full rail.

Figure 70 Several placement symbols in the layout (left) can be inserted manually or via a symbol pattern within the stripper tool.

Remove Auto Placement Symbols

Remove the symbols that are used for locating the rails after the rails have been automatically placed.

Plan Snap Mode

The snap mode to switch to when placing a support rail manually.

Rail Width

Thickness of the material used for the support rail.

Figure 71 Example of a wooden rail of 15mm

Plan Symbol Patterns

The symbol patterns to use on the plan view support rail. The extents of the plan support rail will be used as the perimeter, including any additional width generated by claw symbols.

Centre Palette

Optionally create an entity down the length of the rail in this palette

Solid fill

Auto Solid Fill

Automatically generate the solid fill when placing the stripping rail.

Safety Clearance

If the solid fill is enabled this gives an additional clearance from the stripper rail.

Plan Profile

Plan End Symbol Origination

The transformation applied to the symbol on the right-hand side of the horizontal rail.


No transformation is applied to the right-hand side symbol.


The right-hand side symbol is rotated.


The right-hand side symbol is mirrored.

Figure 72 A horizontal rail with a ‘Plan End Symbol Origination’ of ‘Rotate’ (left) and ‘Mirror’ (right)

Plan Rail Edge to Perimeter

Refers to the horizontal rail where it meets the perimeter of the stripping unit. This could be a tapered symbol to allow extra clearance for waste material or no symbol to have a square edge. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 73 Example of a ‘Plan Rail Edge to Perimeter’ clearance with a value of 10mm (top) and 5mm (bottom)

Plan Rail Edge to Vertical Rail

Refers to the horizontal rail where it meets a vertical rail. Usually this consists of a symbol that aids fixing the rails together. This could be a screw or lap joint. When a simple butt joint is used, then no symbol is required. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 74 Example of a ‘Plan Rail Edge to Connect Vertical’ symbol. A symbol assigned (top left), no symbol assigned (bottom left) and a symbol representing a screw with some etch marks to help with assembly (right).

Plan Perimeter

The palette used for the perimeter of the plan view support rail.

Plan Fastening

Refers to the fastening method of joining the rail to the female stripping tool. In most cases this is a lug that consists of a rectangular hole in the female stripper. The rail has an interlocking profile, sometimes referred to as a finger joint. Other types of joining methods can be used as well, such as mechanical joins like screws.

Plan Fastening Sections

When enabled, will place fastenings for each section. Each section is made by intersecting vertical rails. If disabled, then the intersecting rails are ignored, and fastenings are distributed along the full length of the horizontal rail.

Figure 75 Top image shows the Plan Fastening sections set to false; Bottom image shows it set to true

Plan Fastening Distribution

The method used to place fastenings across the length of the horizontal support rail.


No fastening is placed.

Set Distance

The bar will be filled with fastenings that are spaced exactly by the Plan Lug Separation property.

Single Centrally

Places a single fastening centrally along the rail. Use the separation value to define the minimum length of the rail to require a centrally placed fastening.

Two Only

Places a fastening at the left and right of the rail. Use the separation value to define the minimum distance between the two fastenings. If the fastenings fall too close to each other, no fastenings will be inserted.

Figure 76 Example shows a start, end and clearance value of 40mm

1-2 Evenly Spaced

The stripper rail will have 1-2 fastenings placed evenly spaced across the length of the rail. If the fastenings at either end are closer than the clearance value, then a single fastening will be placed centrally.

Figure 77 A start and end offset of 40mm with a clearance of 100mm

2-3 Evenly Spaced

The stripper bar will have 2-3 fastenings placed evenly across the length of the bar, maintaining a minimum separation between the fastenings as defined in the Plan Lug Separation property.

2-4 Evenly Spaced

The stripper bar will have 2-4 fastenings placed evenly across the length of the bar, maintaining a minimum separation between the fastenings as defined in the Plan Lug Separation property.

Plan Fastening Adjustment

Allows the fixing symbol location to be adjusted before the side view is created. Please see the How to use the tool section of this document.


The default location of the fastening is used, and no option will be available to adjust their location.


The default location of the fastening is used, but the process will be paused to allow the user to manually reposition the fastenings. Shift-clicking on a lug will allow deletion of the fixing.

Plan Fastening

Refers to the symbol used for the fastening placed in the female stripping tooling. It is often a square hole for interlocking finger joins but could also be a drill hole for screws. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Plan Fastening End Clearance

The minimum distance from the back edge to the origin of the last lug. If set on 2-3 Evenly Spaced, this is the exact distance from the back edge to the last lug.

Figure 78 A fastening end clearance of 30mm.

Plan Fastening Separation

The (minimum) distance between each lug, see Plan Fastening Distribution for more info.

Figure 79 Value is set to 100mm: the mode 2-3 evenly where the fastening distance is over 100mm (left) and fastening at a fixed distance (right)

Plan Fastening Start Clearance

The distance from the start of the rail to the origin of the first fastening symbol.

Figure 80 A start fastening clearance of 20mm

Side View

Side Generation

Generate the side view of the support rail.

Side Perimeter Palette

The palette used in the side view for the support rail perimeter.

Side Laser Width

Offsets the perimeter of the side view to account for the laser beam width.

Holding Bridge Side

Switch the holding bridge direction for the side view perimeter palette

From Palette

Use the side defined by the side Perimeter Palette


Force the holding bridge to the left side.


Force the holding bridge to the right side.


Force the holding bridge to use both sides.


The Z axis distance from the back face of the stripper to the top of the support rail. Please note the side laser width will be taken into account.

Figure 81 A rail with a height of 50mm

Side Symbol Patterns

The symbol patterns to use on the side view support rail. The extents of the side support rail will be used as the perimeter. Includes any additional width generated by claw symbols.

Side Profile

Plan End Symbol Origination

The transformation applied to the symbol on the right-hand side of the horizontal rail.


No transformation is applied to the bottom side symbol.


The bottom side symbol is rotated.


The bottom side symbol is mirrored.

Side Rail Edge to Perimeter

Refers to the horizontal rail where it meets the perimeter of the stripping unit. This could be a tapered symbol to allow extra clearance for waste material or no symbol to have a square edge. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Side Rail Edge Vertical Rail

Refers to the horizontal rail where it meets another vertical rail. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Side Symbol Geometry

Insert the symbols in the side view as geometry, breaking the link with the database.

Side Fastening

Side Fastening

Refers to the symbol used for the fastening this rail in the female stripping tooling. This is often a square lug that interlocks with a hole in the female stripping tool. These fastening positions directly link to the fastenings in the plan view. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 82 A 'Side Fastening' symbol placed at the location of the fastening.

Figure 83 'Side Fastening' profile reduction: As a symbol is used on the fastening position, the perimeter needs to be reduced to account for the geometry in the symbol

Connected Rail

Side Connected Vertical Rail Intersection

In side view a symbol can be inserted at the intersection when a horizontal rail is connected to a vertical rail. Alternatively, the rail can automatically create a rectangular notch inside the rail. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

Figure 84 An automatically generated notch at the top of a horizontal rail at an intersection

Plan Connected Intersection

When a horizontal rail intersects a vertical rail, a symbol can be inserted at its intersection in plan view. See the Setup Guide illustration for more information about the location and Dynamic Symbol Settings for information about the customisation of this item.

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