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Nalpeiron V10

  • Updates to software-based Nalpeiron licensing make for simplified setup and maintenance.
  • Significantly, this removes the need for a locally installed Nalpeiron Licensing Service and also brings a new heartbeat/phone-home method, allowing silent and automatic update of licences (with no need to manually deactivate and reactivate).
  • Licences may be subsequently deactivated via the Login screen (as there’s no longer an installed local Nalpeiron service):




  • One additional benefit of the updated licensing method is that licence codes are stored locally, and can be accessed from a pull-down list (if you’re in the habit of activating & deactivating licences to switch them between workstations):


  • Enhanced licence logging options are also available:


  • As expected, an offline activation mode is also available.

Dongleless Licence Server

  • Due to the increasing number of requests to host Impact licensing services in virtualised environments, the Impact (and nServer) licence server services now support dongleless operation. This removes any reliance upon physical hardware/DK2 dongles.
  • Note that unlike the hardware/DK2 licence server, the dongleless licence server cannot be transferred to another host workstation/server without Arden Software Ltd involvement.
  • A machine-specific enabling file is needed – and if the licence server host is changed, a new enabling file needs to be generated by Arden Software Ltd.

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