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Make Ready Setup Options

The Make Ready Setup attributes are used by the Make Ready and the Automatic Make Ready tools. These settings determine the palettes in which the Make Ready is to be created and the standard allowances.

The Make Ready Options form can be opened from Master Tool Settings, Make Ready or Automatic Make Ready tools.


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

Make Ready Setup Options - General

To Layer

The geometry created by the tool can be transferred to another layer by checking this option and from the pulldown selecting the layer, or by typing a standard layer name into this field.

Make ready holes in both layers

This option determines if the symbols for the make ready location holes are to be copied to the above specified layer.

Explode cut-crease entities

If this option is checked, any cut/crease type entities will be profiled using the manufacturing details of the palette. If it is not checked, any cut/crease entities will be profiled as crease type entities.

Copy creases to other layer

This option determines if all creases are to be copied to the specified layer.


If creases are to be copied to another layer, from the pulldown list select the palette for the horizontal creases to be changed to when copied.


If creases are to be copied to another layer, from the pulldown list select the palette for the vertical creases to be changed to when copied.

Normal Chamfer Palette

From the pulldown list choose the palette in which to create the make ready profile geometry.

Extended Chamfer Palette

From the pulldown list choose the palette in which to create the extended chamfer geometry.

Palettes for internal cuts

This allows you to define different palettes for internal cut/crease areas.

Normal chamfer palette

From the pulldown list choose the palette in which to create the internal cut/crease make ready profiles.

Extended chamfer palette

From the pulldown list the palette in which to create the internal cut/crease extended chamfer geometry.

Score into

From the pulldown list choose the option required.

  • Channel - any score entities will be treated as crease type entities. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any score entities will also be copied.
  • Plate - any score entities will be treated as cut type entities.
  • Make-ready - any score entities will be treated as crease type entities. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any score entities will not be copied.

Perf into

From the pulldown list choose option required.

  • Channel - any perforation entities will be treated as crease type entities. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any perforation entities will also be copied.
  • Plate - any perforation entities will be treated as cut type entities.
  • Make-ready - any perforation entities will be treated as crease type entities. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any perforation entities will not be copied.


Make Ready Setup Options - General

Enter the maximum distance between two crease entities. The tool will add a single entity to join two profiles.

Offset inside at junctions

Switch this option to apply an inside offset where two or more creases meet.

Offset outside creases

Switch this option on to apply the offset to the outside of the make ready profile, so the ends of any creases within these areas fall within the make ready area.

Offset value

This option is only enabled if one of the two options above is switched on. Enter the required offset value.


Length precision

When the make ready profiles are altered manually, the cursor will move in increments of the specified value.

Angle precision

When the make ready profiles are altered manually, the cursor will move in increments of the specified value.

Avoid clashes in corners

If this option is checked, the tool will override the Make Ready Board Attributes and the Make Ready Geometry Dependent Attributes when the carton profile falls within the specified values.

Minimum angle

Enter the minimum angle of a cut type entity at a junction with a crease type entity for the offset to be applied.

Maximum length

Enter the minimum length of a cut type entity at a junction with a crease type entity for the offset to be applied.

Angle offset

Enter the offset angle from the cut entity to the normal chamfer palette.

Distance offset

Enter the offset value from the cut entity along the crease entity.

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