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PDF Export to Respect Drawing Order (for better Cut/Crease export support)

  • To aid the export of Cut/Crease lines to the PDF format, a new option has been added to the Adobe PDF branch of the Export Master Tool Settings: (Respect drawing order).


  • The Drawing Order that is referred to can be defined on a Project, Template or Master Template level via Options>Project>Palettes>Drawing Order. It allows palettes to be displayed in front of/above other palettes when they overlap:


  • In the above example, the Cut palettes would be ‘drawn’ in front of/on top of the Crease palette. Therefore, exporting a drawing to the PDF format, respecting drawing order would guarantee that a Cut/Crease line, (where the Crease palette is configured not to explode into segments) would export to the PDF format as shown below:

  • Whereas exporting using the following drawing order:


  • Would result in:

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