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Design Options - Palettes - Drawing Order

Use this form to define the order in which some palettes are drawn.

Design Options - Palette Drawing Order

Enable ordered drawing

This option allows you to define which palettes are to appear in front of other palettes when they are overlapping. If, in the above example, there is a cut line and a crease line that are common, then the cut line will appear on top of the crease line, as cut appears above crease in the list.

The option affects the way that items are drawn on the screen and how they appear when exported to an Adobe PDF file depending on the setting Respect Drawing Order.


This button opens the Ordered drawing setup form, and allows you to select either a palette or a palette type.


This button opens the Ordered drawing setup form, and allows you to change the highlighted entry to a different palette or palette type.


This button will delete the highlighted palette from the order.

To reorder the palettes, highlight the palette and use the arrows to change its position.

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