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This tool is used to save changes to the current drawing (project, symbol or template). 

For projects, the behaviour of this tool depends on your Database Operation settings:

  • If using Simple interface, your changes will be automatically saved to the central database area when you close the project.
  • If using Advanced interface, your changes are saved in your local working area. This tool will not make any changes to the drawing in the central database area (to do that, use File>Update).

For templates and symbols, the changes are written immediately to the central database. After the first save of a drawing, the drawing code and reference cannot be changed from the open project. The code and reference of a saved drawing can only be changed in the Impact Browser, Project Properties.

You can switch on the Auto-save feature in Options - Database Operation - Saving Projects. This will cause the current drawing to be automatically saved at specified intervals.

If you use this tool and you have not saved the drawing before, it will automatically show the Save As form (the same as using File>SaveAs) - see Save Project As, Save Symbol As, Save Template As.

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