Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.


An entity is simply an item which makes up a drawing; anything from geometry (for example lines and arcs) to text and dimensions.

Every entity has a particular entity type which defines its behaviour - see list below.

You can select entities using the tools on the Edit - Select menu. To find out basic information (for example the position and size) of a selected entity, use Enquire - Entities or the Entity Inspector.

Many of the entities have an associated palette, which defines attributes such as colour on the screen, how it is output to plotters, the physical properties of a piece of rule and so on.

You can modify many of an entity's attributes (such as position, length, palette) using the Entity Inspector.

Every entity belongs to a certain block or layer. To change the entity you normally have first to ensure your current block is correct.

Construction Geometry

Lines and circles may be drawn as construction entities. This is geometry which is used to help with the creation or positioning of other geometry. Often a special palette is used for construction entities. Construction lines are infinite in length. Neither they nor construction circles can be split nor trimmed.

Entity Types

An entity may be one of the following types:

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