Variable Types

There are several types of variables available which are detailed below:

  • Distance - Displayed in the wizard as a distance entry field; represented in expressions as a real number containing the distance in millimetres
  • Angle - Displayed in the wizard as an angle entry field; represented in expressions as a real number containing the angle in degrees
  • Real - Displayed in the wizard as a real entry field; represented in expressions as a real number
  • Boolean - Displayed in the wizard as a checkbox; represented in expressions as an integer either 0 or 1
  • Integer - Displayed in the wizard as a number entry field; represented in expressions as an integer
  • String - Displayed in the wizard as a string field; represented in expressions as a string
  • Area - Displayed in the wizard as an area entry field; represented in expressions as a real number containing the area in square millimetres
  • Volume - Displayed in the wizard as a volume entry field; represented in expressions as a real number containing the volume in cubic millimetres
  • Weight - Displayed in the wizard as a weight entry field; represented in expressions as a real number containing the weight in grams

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