Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

Counter Plate Module

Designed to create all required geometry for counter plates.

To use this tool, it’s expected to have an understanding of Windows and to configure this tool it’s expected to have an understanding of Settings Menus, Property Selectors and Symbol Patterns. For more information on these please follow the hyperlinks.

The tool contains the following functions:

  • Control Panel
    1. Opens the settings dialog.
  • Create Plate
    1. Processes the counter plate using the current setting.

The Counter Plate tool is made up of two settings lists: one that controls the channels and another that controls the plate. This makes managing the settings easier.

Frequently asked questions

Embossings and cutouts

The Counter Plate tool will bring geometry from the one-up designs, so if you want a cut-out in the plate for a plate insert such as embossing, reverse score or other items then a closed shape in the one-up is required.


Figure 22: Orange milled area in the one-up is available in the layout

More information can be found in Impact's online help by searching for ‘Engraving machine settings’. This will guide you to set up the toolpaths for milling out channels, pockets and larger areas.


Figure 23: Engraving Machine settings showing a linked clearance path (left) and an unlinked clearance path (right).

Overriding a single Channel

There may be occasions when you want one or more channels to override the preferences set out in the counter plate tool. This can be done by selecting the entities you want to assign a width to and entering a value into the field Channel Offset With and/or Channel Offset Against found in the Entity Inspector’s advanced tab.


Figure 24: The two marked entities in the one-up have been set to have a channel override width of 3mm.



All palettes that are designed to hit the steel plate. This is usually used for cutting rules, but often includes such rules as perforation and balance.


All Palettes that are designed to meet a slot that is milled into the plate. This is usually used for crease rules. In the output this is the single line or arc that is shown centrally within the channel.


This is the outer perimeter of the channel.


A milled out area often used for steel plate inserts such as embossing, reverse score or other similar inserts.

Global Setup

Counter Plate

Channel Colours

The colours used for channels using new palettes. The colours will be allocated to channels sorted by size. Commonly the first two colours will be with/against grain, depending on size. If there are any more sizes, the next colours in the list will be used.

Secondary Colours (New)

The colours used for secondary channels using new palettes. The colours will be allocated to channels sorted by size. Commonly the first two colours will be with/against grain, depending on size. If there are any more sizes, the next colours in the list will be used.


Knife Clearance Palette

The palette used to represent the clearance from the knife entities.


Environmental Rounding

If you experience rounding problems, turning this feature on will force the tool to use the rounding settings assigned to your current environment settings.

Milling Settings


Channel Widths

Channels can be overridden on an entity by entity basis by having a value in the Channel Offset Properties:

Figure 25: Channel Overrides from the Advanced Tab in the Entity Inspector

From Palette

The channel width is found using the make ready channel properties of the channel palettes. (With Flute/Grain and Against Flute/Grain). The values can be overridden by the entity’s Channel Offset Width.

Figure 26: Channel values from the Palette Attributes dialog

Set Values

The channel width is found using the values stored in the properties Set Value Against Grain and Set Value With Grain. The values can be overridden by the entity’s Channel Offset Width.

Figure 27: Values contained within the counter plate tool

Set Value Against Grain (Updated)

If the Channel Widths value has the value Set Values, here is where an Against Grain value is entered. This property has been upgraded to a variable entry field. Please see Layer and Project Variables for more info.

Set Value Width Grain (Updated)

If the Channel Widths value has the value Set Values, here is where a With Grain value is entered. This property has been upgraded to a variable entry field. Please see Layer and Project Variables for more info.

Tool Reduction

Reduces all channel entities by the width of the channel. This is often done for milling machines that don’t automatically reduce the line to account for the tool width.


Figure 28: Tool reduction enabled (left) and disabled (right)

Advanced Channels

Override Curved Channels

The width used for all curved channels. The value can be overridden by the entity’s Channel Offset Width.

Channel Depths (New)

Define the way the channel depths are decided or calculated.

From Palette

The channel depth is found using the Make ready channel properties of the channel palettes.

Figure 29: Channel Values from the Palette Attributes Dialog

Set Values

The channel depth is found using the values stored in the property ‘Override Depth’.

Figure 30: Values contained within the counter plate tool

Override Depth (New)

If the Channels Depths property has the value Set Values, the depth value is entered here.

Channel Clearance

Prevents channels from overlapping by reducing their length. The value represents the minimum distance between channels.

Channel End Style

Defines the shape of the ends of the channels.

Rounded (Default)

Commonly used for milled counter plates using a spinning tool.


Can be used for non-milled plates to get as close to knives as possible.


Knife Clearance

The clearance distance from the centre of knives that channels must not enter.

Figure 31: Shows the clearance distance from the centre of knives

Knife Palettes

The palettes that are used as knives within the counter plate. Uses the standard palette selector allowing individual palettes, regular expressions and/or palette types to be included. Usually this is set to a cut palette type, but also often considers perforation and score as knives.

Channel Palettes

The palettes that are used to produce channels within the counter plate. Uses the standard palette selector allowing individual palettes, regular expressions and/or palette types to be included. Usually this is set to crease and cut/crease palette types.

Channel Template

All of the channel entities will have their palette changed to this palette. If no palette is set, then the original entities’ palette will be kept. For example, you have an entity that has a crease palette assigned to it and you process the counter plate. The palette of those entities will change to the palette assigned in this property.

Channel Name Substitution (Updated)

Adjust the name of the ‘Channel Template’ palette to this format. That can be used to map to existing palettes or create new palettes. The substitutions can be customised using the distance unit settings

Use %CV for channel width

Example: if you had Channel %CV for each channel created, you could receive Channel 1.0mm.

Use %CD for channel depth

Example: if you had Channel %CD for each channel created, you could receive Channel 0.5mm.

Use %NU for channel number

Example: if you had Channel %NU for each channel created, you could receive Channel 1.

You can combine these in any order and quantity to get a very descriptive palette name. Example: if you had Channel %NU, %CV Wide %CD Deep for each channel created, you could receive Channel 1, 1.0mm Wide 0.5mm Deep.

Channel Replacement Palette Options

Override Width Value (New)

If possible, attempt to override the replacement palette’s width values so they can be picked up in post-processors. Locked palettes will not be adjusted.

Figure 32: Width field of the replacement palette

Override Make Ready Value (New)

If possible, attempt to override the replacement palette’s make ready values with channel widths so they can be picked up in post-processors. Locked palettes will not be adjusted.

Figure 33: Make ready channel fields of the replacement palette

Ends in Space

Use Ends in Space Palettes (New)

Allow the use of a separate list of palettes to be specified for key point adjustment. Otherwise the main knife and channel palettes are used.

Ends in Space Knife Palettes (New)

The ends in space palettes that are considered to be contacting the plate. This list is only used if the Use Ends in Space Palettes option is enabled.

Ends in Space Channel Palettes (New)

The ends in the space palettes that are used for channels. This list is only used if the Use Ends in Space Palettes option is enabled.

Knife Adjustment

Treated as if channels were not there. All knives that have ends in space are adjusted by this value. An increase would extend the channels and a negative value reduce the channel ends.

The image shows the end points (blue squares) that would be adjusted by this value. All these are the end points of knives (red).

Channel Adjustment

Treated as if knives were not there. All channels that have ends in space are adjusted by this value. An increase would extend the channels and a negative value would reduce the channel ends.

The image shows the end points (pink squares) that would be adjusted by this value. All these are the end points of channels (green).

Combined Adjustment

Dependent on the combined mode property. All knives and/or channels that have ends in space are adjusted by this value. An increase would extend the channels and a negative value would reduce the channel ends.

Combined Mode

Both ends in space

The image shows the end points (yellow squares) that would be adjusted by this option.

Channel only ends in space

The image shows the end points (yellow squares) that would be adjusted by this option.

Knife only ends in space

The image shows the end points (yellow squares) that would be adjusted by this option.


Pocket Mode

Shows the end result of channels by drawing a perimeter around all channels representing the final size of the channels. This can be used for outputting data or just as a visual aid for the user. It will not affect the adjustments done to the channels.


Figure 34: Pocket mode enabled (left) and disabled (right)

Pocket Template

All of the pocket entities will use this palette, but it may be overridden by ‘Pocket Name Substitution’.

Pocket Name Substitution

Adjust the name of the Pocket Template palette to this format. It can be used to map to existing palettes or create new palettes. It also follows the customised unit settings if you don’t want to show an abbreviation or limit the decimal places.

Use %CV for channel width

Example: If you had Pocket %CV for each pocket created, you could receive Pocket 1.0mm.

Use %CD for channel depth

Example: If you had Pocket %CD for each pocket created, you could receive Pocket 0.5mm.

Use %NU for channel number

Example if you had Pocket %NU for each pocket created you could receive Pocket 1.

You can combine these in any order and quantity to get a very descriptive palette name. Example: If you had Pocket %NU, %CV Wide %CD Deep for each pocket created, you could receive Pocket 1, 1.0mm Wide 0.5mm Deep.

Pocket Merge

Merge all pockets of the same palette into one shape.

Pocket Smoothing

When two or more pockets overlap, this value adjusts the amount of smoothing on the channels. This can help to remove any sharp edges that may be created.


Figure 35: Pocket smoothing set to 0 (left) and 0.25mm (right)

Secondary Pocket (New)

Secondary Pocket Mode (New)

Shows the end result of channels by drawing a perimeter around all channels representing the final size of the channels. This can be used for outputting data or just as a visual aid for the user. It will not affect the adjustments done to the channels.


Figure 36: Secondary pocket mode enabled (left) and disabled (right)

Secondary Pocket Offset (New)

The distance the secondary pocket is offset inwards relative to the original pocket.

Figure 37: The secondary pocket offset

Secondary Pocket Include Channel Size (New)

When enabled, adds half of the channel size to the calculated offset.

Secondary Pocket Template (New)

All of the pocket entities will use this palette. It may be overridden by ‘Secondary Pocket Name Substitution’

Secondary Pocket Name Substitution (New)

Adjust the name of the Secondary Pocket Template palette according to this format: Use %CV for pocket width, %CD for pocket depth or %NU for the channel number.

Combination Rule (Updated)

Combo Rule

Used for combination palettes only. (For separate pieces, please see the Ends in Space properties).

Into Channel (Updated)

Treats all combo rules in the channel palettes list as one single channel.

Figure 38 Combo Rule Into Channel. Shows the dieboard rule (top) and the results in the counter plate (bottom)

Separate Equally (Updated)

The combo rule is exploded into separate pieces and each part is treated as a knife, channel or not applicable. No additional adjustment is made to the pieces. Knives and channels have equal priority and channel ends finish on the same level as knives within the combo entity.

Figure 39 Combo Rule Separate Equally. Shows the dieboard rule (top) and the Results in the counter plate (bottom)

Priority Knife (Updated)

The combo rule is exploded into separate pieces and each part is treated as a knife, channel or not applicable. The channel pieces are reduced by the value of the knife clearance, allowing the knife to encroach into the channel area.

Figure 40: Combo Rule Priority Knife. Shows the dieboard rule (top) and the results in the counter plate (bottom)

Priority Channel (Updated)

The combo rule is exploded into separate pieces and each part is treated as a knife, channel or not applicable. The knife pieces are reduced by the value of the channel width, allowing the channel to encroach into the knife area.

Figure 41: Combo Rule Explode Knife. Shows the dieboard rule (top) and the results in the counter plate (bottom)

Combo Channel Width Adjustment (new)

Increase or decrease the width of the channel palettes that are used within combination rule. For example, you could have all combination rule channels increased by 0.1mm.

Combo Knife Separation Adjustment (new)

Increase or decrease the length of knives in combination rule. This can be used in combination with the Combo Rule property for fine adjustment to where channels start and stop.


Grain Direction (Updated)

As Layer (default Value)

The grain direction is defined by the layer’s grain direction.

Force Horizontally

The grain direction is treated as horizontally (left to right). This will not change the setting of the layer.

Force Vertically

The grain direction is treated as vertically (top to bottom). This will not change the setting of the layer.

As Symbol (New)

The module will look for a symbol within the dieboard that represents the direction. The angle of the inserted symbol determines the direction. It also uses the tolerance stated in the Orientation/Angle Property.


Only channels within the given angle range will use the with grain value; everything else will be considered to be against grain. In case of a with grain angular tolerance of 15°, for example, any entity between 0° and 15° will be classed as with grain, represented in the screenshots below as value E.

Figure 42: Lots of channels at different angles. The location of the angle and the value represented by E indicates with grain. Please note the grain direction

Distance Format (New)

When using the Palette Replacement, you can specify custom values such as width %CV and depth %CD. Here the user’s environment settings define the appearance values with these properties. The appearance can be overwritten.

Custom Distance Format (New)

Enables the custom formatting of the replacement properties.

Unit Type (New)

The type of unit used in the inserted text on the canvas.

Decimal Places (New)

Enter the required number of decimal places to be displayed for distances.

Abbreviation (New)

Enter the required distance unit abbreviation such as mm, cm etc.

Display Fractions (New)

Switch this option on if you want to display fractions rather than decimal values or reduce the quantity of decimal numbers to the lowest amount.

Reduce Denominator/Decimals (New)

Only applicable when displaying fractions. Switch the option on if you want fractions displayed with the lowest possible denominator. For instance, display 5/10 as 1/2 or 1.500 as 1.5.

Denominator (New)

Enter the denominator to be used for fractions.

Dieboard (New)

Dieboard Channel Ends Symbol (New)

Insert a symbol at both ends of the channel into the dieboard layer.

Figure 43: Example showing a simple end symbol inserted into the dieboard.

Dieboard Channel Symbol Ends Offset (New)

Offset the symbol by a given distance from the end of the channel.


Design Symbol Patterns (Updated)

A list of symbol patterns that are added relative to the knife to knife extents of the counter plate. Previously known as the “Symbol Patterns” property.

Show Knife Clearance

Generate the profiles around knife entities as visible geometry. This is just a visual aid to the user and will not affect the end results of the channels. The palette used is in the global settings.

Figure 44: Show knife clearance enabled (left) and disabled (right)

Output Layer Name

The tool generates all of its geometry in a separate layer. This is the name of the layer in which to insert the geometry. If a layer with this name cannot be found, a new layer is created.

Output Layer Override

If enabled, all entities in the output layer will be deleted before inserting new entities. If disabled, a new layer will be created using Impact’s copy naming convention (normally _1) and the original layer will remain in the project.

Output Layer Type

The layer type to use if a new layer is created.

Plate Channel Ends Symbol (New)

Insert a symbol at both ends of the channel into the plate layer.

Figure 45: Example showing a simple end symbol inserted into the plate layer

Plate Channel Symbol Ends Offset (New)

Offset the symbol by a given distance from the end of the channel.

Advanced Output (New)

Design Components Block (New)

When enabled, each carton channels and milling areas are grouped into a block to help with plotting optimisation.

Assign Geometry Channel Offset (New)

Change the channel entity Channel Offset property to the given channel width. Disable to increase performance.

Remove Non-geometric (New)

Remove all non-geometric entities within the output such as text, symbols, blocks, etc. to improve performance.

Retained Items (New)

If Remove Non-geometric is enabled, then these symbols will be excluded from the removal.

Counter Plate Settings (New)


Plate Symbol X Offset (New)

Offset the plate insert location relative to the centre point on the first knife or grip edge of the dieboard on the X axis by this amount. The offset value can be assigned project variables.

Plate Symbol Y Offset (New)

Offset the plate insert location relative to the centre point on the first knife or grip edge of the dieboard on the Y axis by this amount. The offset value can be assigned project variables.

Plate Offset Override (New)

Allow the user to manually override the position of the counter plate.

Plate Symbol (New)

The symbol used to represent the counter plate. This can be adjusted using the Plate Symbol Offset.

Figure 46: A counter plate symbol added to the plate layer.

Plate Symbol Patterns (New)

Add symbols to the completed counter plate. The bounding box will be the extents of the Plate Symbol. This is often used to add references or logos to the counter plate.

Plate Mirror X (New)

Mirrors the plate symbol on the X axis

Plate Mirror Y (New)

Mirrors the plate symbol on the Y axis

Figure 47: Plate with a logo inserted on the top right and a reference inserted on the top left.

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