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Post Processors - Advanced

This page contains options for advanced block ordering and pocketing methods for counters and laser pocketing.

Block Ordering

First output blocks

Enter the name of the Block(s) to be output first. This is a list of block names separated by commas.

Last output blocks

Enter the name of the Block(s) to be output last. This is a list of block names separated by commas.

Optimise block insertion positions

This option will order the blocks in the best possible sequence based on the block origin positions.



From the pulldown list choose the type of machine pocketing required: Laser, Counter Die, Sample Maker or Laser (Special Feed-Rate).

Laser (Special Feed-rate) produces the same pocketing geometry as Laser, but the feed-rate applied to the pocket entities will be based on the angle of the original entity, rather than the angle of the pocket entities.

End Style

This option specifies the shape of the end of the pocket. From the pulldown list choose Square, Round or Pointed. Pointed is only available for the sample maker type.

The drawing below demonstrates the different pocket types. The palette that is being output has a rule width of 2.5mm and a channel width of 3.0mm. The laser width is 0.7mm, the knife tool for the sample pocket has a width of 0.0mm and the counter die tool has a width of 1.0mm.

Laser pocketing uses the rule width and laser width to calculate the required output geometry. Sample pocketing uses the channel width and knife tool width. Counter die pocketing uses the channel width and the counter die tool width.

Pocketing types

Pocket entities with a different width separately

Where entities with a different width are joined at their ends, they will be considered as separate entities when they are pocketed if this option is selected.

Pocket together


Pocket separately

Pocket all entities separately

Select this option if all entities are to be pocketed separately. This is particularly relevant for steel dies, to ensure the waste pieces drop out.


Sample end ratio

Only available if Pointed end style is chosen. The ratio determines the angle of the pointed end. If a ratio of 1.0 is chosen, the length of the point will be the same as the width of the pocket. A ratio of 2.0 will give a point twice as long as the width of the pocket.

Counter pocket outside same direction

By default the length of each side of the pocket will be milled in the same direction. If this option is not selected, the pocket will be milled up one side and then down the other.


Offset amount

If the Machine Type is Engraving machine then this option will be displayed.

The z-axis controls the height of the engraving tool. You may need to enter an offset amount to allow for the thickness of the material that is being worked.

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