Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.


A template is a type of drawing which can be created with its own geometry and settings. It is used for creating projects with pre-defined settings which are common to each project, for example a Company logo, a border, specific drawing layers, palettes, geometry, grid, viewing options, bridge styles, text styles etc.

If a project is then created based on this template, these settings will already have been defined.

When a template is modified, any projects created afterwards using the modified template will be based on the modified version. However, projects which were previously created from the template will not be updated.

It is also possible to create parametric templates, containing a resizable design (containing geometry, dimensions and variables). This is an option you can set when you save a template (see File - Save As).

Use File - New - Template to create a template or File - Open - Browser to open one. The Project Browser can also be used to manage all the templates (for example organising them into groups).

You can modify the database information for an opened template using Database - Template.

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