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Save As

This tool can be used for two purposes; to save a drawing that has not previously been saved (using File>Save with a new drawing automatically activates this tool), or to make a copy of a drawing under another name. This tool can be used for a project, symbol or template.

A Save As form will be displayed, allowing you to enter a reference, code (optional), description (optional) and choose a group (folder) in which to store the drawing. There may be additional options, depending on the type of drawing - see Save Project As, Save Symbol As, Save Template As.

Note that you can later change some of the drawing's properties (such as the Code and Reference) using the Project, Template or Symbol Properties form, from the Project Browser.

Creating a new drawing from an open drawing

To create a new drawing from the current opened drawing, activate the File Save As tool. The corresponding Save As form will be opened. The reference and code will be displayed blank. If the original drawing is a project, it will be saved to your Working Projects area. If the original drawing is a symbol or template it will be saved to the central database.

Related topics: File - Save, Impact Options - Database Installation, Impact Options - Database Operation.

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