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Stretch Points

  Edit Bar controls: Interactive, X, Y, Marquee, Apply.

This tool allows you to stretch entities by moving the entity ends. You do not need to select the entities you want to stretch.

Regardless of which other modes are being used, you can specify the distance to move the end points in two different ways. With the Interactive option switched on you should pick two points to define the offset. With this option switched off you should enter the required X and Y offset.

TIP: The tool behaves differently depending on whether or not the Marquee is active.

The Marquee is positioned using Edit - Select - Marquee.

With an active marquee

Before activating the tool, indicate entities to be transformed by placing the marquee around the entity ends which are to be stretched.

If you are not using Interactive mode, enter the X and Y offset distances and press Apply. When using Interactive mode there is no Apply button. The Stretch will be applied as soon as the offset has been defined.

The ends that are within the marquee are translated by the offset values. Any ends which are outside the marquee are unchanged.

Without an active marquee

Switch the Marquee option on to identify the points to be stretched by enclosing them in a marquee selection box. Alternatively, with the Marquee option switched off, individual entity end points can be identified. Whilst picking the points to be stretched you should hold the Shift key down until the final point has been picked. As the points are identified a square marker is drawn around the point. Pick the point again to remove it. Once the points have been identified, either using the marquee or by picking them, the transformation will be applied to them immediately.

Alternatively, switch the Interactive option on and, after identifying the points to stretch as described above, specify the offset distance by picking two points. The transformation will then be applied immediately.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following difference:

  • If used without a marquee and the stretched entity is snapped onto an existing entity then a coincident constraint is added

Related topics: Edit - Transform - Stretch Entities

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