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Video Production Wizard

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This tool allows you create a high-quality Audio Video Interleave (*.AVI) file, representing the animation within the current 3D layer. It opens the Video Production Wizard.


Settings – allows you to pick from a list of pre-configured Master Tool Settings which determine the video attributes. If you do not have any settings, then simply follow the wizard to generate your video.


Output Filename 

  • File Path - specify the destination and file name for the video. Note that substitution codes can be used to influence the video name.


  • Standard - pick from a list of standard video resolutions, which will automatically determine the width & height of the video.
  • Width - you can also specify a bespoke video width.
  • Height - you can also specify a bespoke video height.
  • Lock aspect ratio to viewport - if enabled, this option ensures that the resolution matches the aspect ratio of the current viewport. Specify a custom width and the height will be automatically adjusted to maintain the viewport aspect ratio.  Similarly, specify a custom height and the width will be automatically adjusted to maintain the viewport aspect ratio.



  • Codec- pick from a list of installed codecs.
    • Full Frames, uncompressed maybe best avoided - although the lack of compression would theoretically provide the highest quality, the lack of compression will result in longer rendering times and a larger video file.
    • The Cinepak Codec by Radius will play on any platform and provide a reasonable compromise between file size & compression.

NOTE: Impact will allow you to create a movie using any of your installed Video codecs. Be aware that the movie recipient will need to have access to the codec, in order to play back the movie.  For that reason, the Cinepak Codec is a safe choice.

  • Quality - use the slider to specify compression quality. Higher quality compresison will create a larger file - but provide a smoother video. Conversely, lower quality compression will result in a smaller file, but at the expense of video quality.

Pick the 3D Video Production Wizard tool and follow the on-screen prompts. Click Finish to generate a *.AVI file of the current 3D scene, in accordance with the settings within the wizard.

Use the Cancel button within the wizard to cancel the tool.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools.

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