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Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Optimal Path (to end)

Edit bar controls: Mode

This tool allows you to automatically reorder selected entities within the data.

Before activating the tool select the entities you wish to modify using any of the normal entity selection methods.

From the drop-down list on the edit bar choose either Nearest end or Nearest entity.

Start the tool and pick the reference position (for Nearest end) or the reference entity (for Nearest entity). The reference entity must be a selected entity, and this will always be the first entity in the newly arranged entities.

The selected entities are sorted into an optimal order (i.e. with the minimum possible movement between entities), starting approximately at the reference position or with the reference entity. The sorted entities are moved to the end of the drawing data for the current block or drawing layer.

Related topics: Selecting

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