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Create Profile

This tool allows you create the external profile of the matrix and add any cut/crease cutouts. In this tool you can also edit any existing profiles using drag handles or from the Profile Editor form. Once the tool is activated the modes will appear on the edit bar.


  • Normal Make Ready - profile between non parallel entities where the panel being profiled has three or more creases, between two parallel crease entities or a single crease entity.
  • Corner Make Ready - profile between two non parallel creases in a panel being profiled has only two creases.
  • Cut/Crease Zig-Zag - profiles added to any cut/crease entities on the outside of the panels of the carton if the mode Zig-Zag style is selected.
  • Cut/Crease Internal- profiles added to any colinear cut/crease entities.
    • Outside style - cutouts will be added to any cut/crease entities that are included in the perimeter of the matrix profile.
    • Zig-Zag style - any cut/crease entities that are included in the perimeter of the matrix profile will be profiled in a Zig-Zag style.
  • Simple link - add a single entity between the ends of two existing profiles.
  • Remove simple link - remove the single entity added with a Simple link.
  • Delete Make Ready - allows you to delete a single profile by clicking onto a point between the drag handles of the profile.
  • Flip Make Ready - switches the start and end conditions of the picked profile.

Standard Edit Bar controls

Profile settings

Lists the standard profiles created for the current mode. From the pulldown list select the setting required.


Applies to profiles being edited. Instructs the tool to check all profiles for the same configuration of edited entities and and apply the changes.


Deletes the last profile added.


Will zoom into the last make ready profile added.


Will change all the profiles added while in the tool to the current Edit Bar values.


Will create any new geometry added and exit the tool.


Will cancel the tool and not create any new geometry.

Creating Geometry using Normal Mode

Select Mode Normal Make Ready and choose the settings required on the Edit Bar.

To add a profile to a single crease line pick a point about the middle third of the crease entity offset to the side the profile is required.

To add a profile between two crease entities, pick a point on the end third of one crease entity offset to the side the profile is required, then pick a point on the end third of the second crease entity offset to the side the profile is required.

Creating Geometry using Corner Mode

Select Mode Corner Make Ready and choose the settings required on the Edit Bar.

Pick a point on the end third of one crease entity offset to the side the profile is required, then pick a point on the end third of the second crease entity offset to the side the profile is required.

Cut/Crease Make Ready

Edit Bar options available with Cut/Crease Make Ready mode:

  • Style: applies to cut/crease (score/crease or perf/crease) entities on the outside extents of the make ready profile.
    • Outside style- will add cut-outs around any cut entities within an outside profile.
      • from the Profile settings pulldown choose the setting to create the outside profile.
      • from the Cut/crease profile settings choose the setting to create the cutouts around any cut entities along the cut/crease path.
    • Zig-Zag Style- will create a zig-zag style profile.
      • from the Cut/crease profile settings choose the setting to create the cutouts around any cut entities along the cut/crease path.

Pick a point along the cut/crease path to the side the profiles are required, then pick a point to the opposite side of the path.

Editing the Matrix Profile

  • Replicate - instructs the tool to apply the changes to any profiles whose end conditions are the same as the original settings of the current profile. The picked profile will be highlighted in a contrasting colour (either black or white) and any other matching profiles to which the changes will be replicated will also be highlighted in the same colour.

Once a profile has been added it can then be altered while still in the tool. The profile can be altered in two ways:

  • First by clicking one of the handles displayed and dragging and dropping it to the new position. (As your cursor moves close to a profile the drag handles will be displayed.) As the handle is being moved its current value is displayed on the cursor.
  • The second way to edit a profile is from the Profile Editor.
    • Pick the profile to be edited between two handles. You can edit several profiles by adding to the selected set by CTRL and SHIFT clicking the profiles to be edited. See Matrix Editor Drag Handles.

Profile Editor

The colours of the markers described below are configurable in the Environment Settings - Colours, but the default colours are used here.

  • Start parameters- these will be shown as green markers on the current profile being edited.
    • Height - the perpendicular distance from the crease entity to the matrix profile
    • Profile Angle - the internal angle from the crease to the matrix profile.
    • Blend Radius - the size of the blend radius.
    • Step Length - the length of the first matrix profile entity joining the crease.
    • Step Angle - the angle from the crease entity to the step.
  • End parameters- these will be shown as red markers on the current profile being edited.
    • Height - the perpendicular distance from the crease entity to the matrix profile
    • Profile Angle - the internal angle from the crease to the matrix profile
    • Blend Radius - the size of the blend radius.
    • Step Length - the length of the first matrix profile entity joining the crease.
    • Step Angle - the angle from the crease entity to the step.
  • Rounded top - create an arc at the top of the profile rather than a straight line.
  • Match start and end - any changes made to a start parameter will be automatically applied to the corresponding end parameter and vice versa.
  • Top height - the height of the geometry at the centre-top of the profile.
  • Corner radius - the radius at the corner of corner-style make-ready.
  • Close - will close the profile editor form.
  • Delete- will delete the highlighted profile.
  • Flip - switches the start and end conditions of the highlighted profile.
  • Change profile - will open the Edit Make Ready settingsform and allow you to change the profile for all highlighted profiles. The Change profile tool can be used to change a corner profile to a normal and vice versa:
    • Pick the type of profile by picking the corresponding radio button.
    • From the pulldown select the setting to apply to all highlighted profiles.
    • Press OK to apply changes.
  • Copy profile - identify another profile and the parameters from that profile will be copied to the current profile.
PrevMatrix Creator

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