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Rubber Creator Slots Toolbar

The Slot tools are only available if the Slots option has been selected in the current Automatic Rubber settings.

Use the Mode pulldown menu to switch between Add slot line and Remove slot line.

Multi-up replicate . Select this option to automatically repeat the Slot Addition or Removal throughout the layout for each one-up.

The Geometry replicate option will only apply to the rubber area the part belongs to; i.e. only waste or perimeter.

The Add Slot  tool allows the user to apply the slot palette and offset values to a section of an existing rubber block by defining the split line to separate the new block.

Pick the first point to define the split and then pick the second point on the rubber profile.

The smallest resulting area will then be changed to the rubber palette and the offset from the cutting rule changed as defined in the settings.

The Delete Slot  tool allows the user to click onto an existing split line resulting in the original rubber parameters being applied to the slot area.

You can switch between the Add Slot and Delete Slot tools from the Right-Click context menu. You can also use this menu to cancel the current tool.

The Force Slot  tool will allow the user to click on a rubber block and force the whole area to become slot rubber. This will remove any slot splits which may have already been applied to the waste area.

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