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  Edit Bar controls: Retain Orientation, Interactive, Rotate, Reset, Leave Original, Selection.

This tool allows you to rotate, and optionally copy, entities.

Before activating the tool, select the entities to be transformed. Alternatively, if you start the tool without any selected entities you can identify a single entity to rotate when you pick the base point.

If you wish to modify the selected entities, ensure the Leave Original option is switched off. If, on the other hand, you wish to modify a copy of the selected entities, switch the option on.

The outcome of whether the transformed entities are selected or not is determined by the Selection option. Select New, Select None, Select Original and Select All.

If the Retain Orientation option is activated, only the position of the entities is modified - the angles of the entities remains unchanged. Interactive mode is not available when using this option.

There are two methods of performing the rotation:

  • Single pick - entering an angle and picking a base point
  • Two picks - picking a base point and then picking a point to specify the amount of rotation

The Interactive option should be switched off for the first method and switched on for the second method.

If you want to use a single pick, enter the rotation angle in Rotate. A positive angle will rotate the entities counter-clockwise; a negative angle will rotate them clockwise.

Note that the rotate value entered will persist the next time the tool is executed. To set it back to 0, press the Reset button.

Pick a base point for the rotation. The point need not be on, or even close to, the selected entities. You may find it beneficial to use a snap mode when picking the base point.

If you are using the two picks method, the cursor displays the entities being rotated and a line from the base point to the cursor position, indicating the original horizontal (zero-angle) location of the entities. Pick a point to fix the angle of rotation.

If you have selected Leave Original, the new entities are added to the current block. However, if Leave Original is switched off, you can hold the Shift key down to override this setting.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • If Leave Original is enabled then all constraints and dimensions are copied from the original entities onto the entities copied, as long as they are satisfied
  • If Leave Original is disabled then all constraints and dimensions are preserved on the moved entities, as long as they are satisfied

Related topics: Selecting, Edit - Transform - Drag, Edit - Transform - Move, Edit - Transform - Scale, Edit - Transform - Mirror

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