Edit > Forced Slot > Add Forced Slot 
This tool enables you to add a manually defined slot area to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define whether to leave such areas empty or to place components along their bisection lines.
Edit bar controls
This option allows you to use the Marquee Slot tool to specify a slot area if you have not already done so, and automatically accept the resulting marquee.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked slot in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place forced slots here too.
Press this button to accept the displayed marquee.
How to use the tool
Make sure a sub-area of a selected stripper area/region is highlighted via the Marquee or Marquee Slot tool, and press Accept. The tool will then either leave the area empty (removing all components), or place components along the bisection line (it is recommended that you are alert to the possibility of clashes that may necessarily arising from this), depending on the Male Waste Settings that have been applied.
Edit > Forced Slot > Remove Forced Slot 
This tool allows you to remove a forced slot simply by clicking on any point within it.