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Change Properties

This tool allows you to change various properties of selected entities. Before activating the tool select the entities you wish to modify.

Property - from the drop-down list choose the property to change. Many of these modes allow you to override properties determined by the Palette Attributes of the entities.

  • Channel offsets
  • Fillet relief
  • Fillet relief extensions
  • Holding bridge side
  • Lock direction
  • Palette text
  • Rule height
  • Rule type side
  • Secondary palette
  • Side bevel

Choosing the entities to change

Depending on the chosen property, there are different ways of choosing which entities to change.

Path Only - To modify a series of end-to-end entities switch this option on and pick one of the selected entities. All selected entities in the path will be modified.

All Selected - This button (only shown if Path Only is not switched on) causes the tool to operate on all the selected entities.

Clicking onto a single selected entity. Only the picked entity is changed.

Channel Offsets

Normally the channel offsets setting of an entity is determined by the entity's Palette Attributes. This can be overruled for chosen entities.

Clear channel offsets - switch this option on to set the channel width with and against to zero. Otherwise specify the required values.

With grain/flute - specify the channel width for With grain/flute.

Against grain/flute - specify the channel width for Against grain/flute.

Fillet Relief

The fillet relief option can convert an arc to a series of lines for output via the File Plot tool, if the appropriate option has been applied in the post processor settings.

By default all arcs will have no fillet relief assigned to them. From the Property drop-down list choose the type of fillet relief:

  • Automatic
  • Chordal
  • Double triangular
  • None
  • Quadrilateral
  • Triangular

If Automatic is chosen the setting in the Post Processor will determine the fillet type to be applied to the chosen arcs.

Fillet Relief Extension

This option allows you override the default extension applied to any arcs with fillet relief. By default the value from the post processor will be assigned when the arc is output via the File Plot tool.

Enter the length of the extension to be applied to chosen arcs.

Holding Bridge

This option is used to change the side of the holding bridges. The chosen entities must already be assigned a palette that has holding bridges. Pick to one side of a selected entity and the holding bridges are moved to the indicated side. Alternatively, switch on the Both sides option to add holding bridges to both sides of the entities. To see any effect, ensure the Bridge visibility option is switched on in View Visibility.

Lock Direction

This option is used to lock or unlock the direction of entities, depending on the setting of the check-box Lock direction. Once locked, the direction will not be affected by tools such as Transform Switch, the Arrange tools and the Plot tool.

Entities with locked directions are shown with a line through the direction arrow. You will only see this if you have the Direction Arrows visibility option switched on in View Visibility.

Palette Text

This option will only apply changes to those selected entities that are assigned a palette with the palette text configured in the Palette Attributes. To view palette text the option must be switched on in View Visibility. If a palette is set up with palette text then by default the entities have the text displayed. To overrule this, switch off the Palette text option. To re-display the text, switch the option on.

Rule Height

Normally the rule height of an entity is determined by the entity's Palette Attributes. This can be overruled for chosen entities. Enter the new height in the entry field.

Rule type side

This option can be used to change the side of a Cascade, Wave, Zigzag or Zipper type rule. Pick to one side of a selected entity and the pattern is moved to the indicated side. The chosen entities must already be assigned a palette that has Rule type set to Cascade, Wave, Zigzag or Zippered. If the entity does not have one of these types set, then no change takes place. (Rule type is set up via the Palette Attributes.)

To see any effect, ensure the Manufacturing Information visibility option is switched on in View Visibility.

Secondary Palette

This option allows you to assign or remove a secondary palette to or from chosen entities. The secondary palette will be used instead of the primary palette to output an entity with the File Plot tool. To assign a secondary palette switch on the Secondary palette option and from the drop-down choose the secondary palette. To remove a secondary palette switch the option off.


This option can be used to change the side of the sidebevel. Pick to one side of a selected entity and the sidebevel is moved to the indicated side. If the entity does not have a sidebevel set, then no change takes place. See Palette Attributes. To see any effect, ensure the Direction Arrows visibility option is switched on in View Visibility.

Related topics: Selecting

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