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  A Rule Preparation Block is a sequence of connected entities that can be output to a rule processing machine such as a rule bender, notching machine etc. The block can contain information that will be used by the machine, such as bend positions, nick positions, lip information etc.

The Rule Preparation - Blocks tool is used to create, edit and print rule preparation blocks. The tool is controlled from the edit bar.


The required sequence of entities is defined using the Path tool. The edit bar options for Interactive, Rewind, Direction (User's Choice/Always Left/Always Right), Stop at dead ends and Stick to palette are the same as for the Path tool. 

When the block has been created the Edit sub-tool is started.


This option is specific to the Rule Preparation - Blocks tool. There are three options: Blocks, Geometry and None. If you choose Blocks, this has the same effect as for the Path tool. Selecting Geometry causes another button to appear - Match Ends Exactly.

The way the geometry replication works is to find all the other geometry patterns that look the same, and use the same palette, as the original Rule Preparation block. For instance, if the user creates a Rule Preparation block in the shape of the letter S then the replication will look for all other geometry in the shape of an S of the same size that uses the same palette.

If the geometry contains one or two entities then it only includes replicas where the lengths match exactly with the original lengths.

If the geometry contains three or more entities then it can include replicas where the lengths of the first and last entities don't have to match exactly. This is controlled by the Match Ends Exactly button.


This option can be used to specify break points anywhere on existing entities. This will cause bottom notches to be created at all break points.


The Rule Preparation Blocks MTS can be chosen and overridden from here.

Do Tidy/Smooth

This option can be unchecked to override the Smooth Entities option in the Rule Preparation Blocks MTS.

Bend table

From the drop-down list choose the required bend table. The edit button can be used to make a local change to the settings.

Override end conditions

Select this option to enable overriding of end conditions as defined in the Rule Preparation Blocks MTS.

Show markers

Switch this option on to display the end condition and notch markers on all rule preparation blocks.

Show marker values

This option is only displayed if the previous option is switched on. It will cause notch and free-grind width values to be displayed.

Show path markers

Switch this option on to display the existing rule preparation blocks.


The Edit sub-tool is used to modify the attributes on an existing rule preparation block. It is started automatically after creating a block or it can be started from the edit bar.


Press the Zoom button to automatically zoom in to the selected rule preparation block.


From the drop-down list select the required mode:

  • Edit block
  • Single top notch
  • Top notches on entity

Show marker values

End condition and notch markers are always displayed for a block that is being edited, but this option can be used to display the width values.

Show path markers

Switch this option on to display the existing rule preparation blocks.

The rest of the edit bar is used to display the end condition attributes and the total length of the rule preparation block entities.

The picture below shows a block in edit mode. The end condition marker at the start (green) shows a lip and a reduction. The end condition marker at the end (red) shows a deduction, an extension and a mitre on the left. There is a 5mm bottom notch marker (cyan) with Free-grind enabled on the left, a 2mm top notch marker (magenta) and a bottom notch without Free-grind.

Edit End Conditions

Shift click on either of the end markers to edit the attributes for that end of the block. This will open the End Allowance form.

Ctrl click on either of the end markers to cycle through the Lip/Deduction/None setting.

Click on either of the end markers to cycle through the Reduce/Extend/None setting.

Edit Bottom Notch

Shift click on a bottom notch to edit the attributes. This will open the Notch / Free grind form.

Click a bottom notch marker to enable/disable the notch.

Edit Top Notch

Shift click on a top notch marker to edit the attributes. This will open the Top Notch form.

Click a top notch marker to enable/disable the notch.

Single top notch

Simply identify a point on the rule preparation block where the top notch is to be added.

Notch Width

Enter the required notch width


Select this option to create a crease notch rather than a perforation notch.

Show marker values

Select this option to display the marker values.

Show path markers

Switch this option on to display the existing rule preparation blocks.

Top notches on entity

If the current rule preparation block contains either perforation entities or crease combination entities then this mode can be used to add notches to the entities. Identify the relevant entity within the block and the correct sized notches will be added. This process would only be necessary if the options to Auto-create for perforation and crease combination entities are switched off in the Rule Preparation Blocks MTS.

Show marker values

Select this option to display the marker values.

Show path markers

Switch this option on to display the existing rule preparation blocks.


The automatic sub-tool is used to create rule preparation blocks from single entities of chosen palettes. It opens the Automatic Block Generation form.

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