This page describes how the various Edit > Restriction tools operate:-
Edit > Restrictions > Normal
Edit > Restrictions > Paired Normal
Edit > Restrictions > Parallel Offset
Edit > Restrictions > Point Slot
Edit > Restrictions > Freehand
Edit > Restrictions > Radius
Edit > Restrictions > Paired Radius
Edit > Restrictions > Simple
Edit > Restrictions > Paired Simple
Edit > Restrictions > Combi
Edit > Restrictions > Riding Knife Simple
Edit > Restrictions > Riding Knife Radius
Edit > Restrictions > Wood Bridge
Edit > Restrictions > BEBL
Edit > Restrictions > Castle Top
Edit > Restrictions > First Knife
Edit > Restrictions > SK Nose
Edit > Restrictions > Trim Waste
Edit > Restrictions > Normal 
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Normal type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Normal restrictions are placed as either a lug or as a corner, depending on the point selected for the restriction. The shape of the restriction is generally rectangular, although the side angles can be defined to be something other than 0deg, and fillets of a given radius applied at the corners, in the System Settings.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
Auto Size
If this option is checked, then the depth of the restriction is automatically chosen to match that of parallel offsets as defined in the system settings.
If the Auto Size option is not checked, this option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Paired Normal 
This tool enables you to add a pair of restrictions of Normal type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings. By adding a pair, dynamic stripping components may be shared across both; this is useful where you wish to place two restrictions with one component between them. This shared component is added as a Free restriction.
Normal restrictions are placed as either a lug or as a corner, depending on the point selected for the restriction. The shape of the restriction is generally rectangular, although the side angles can be defined to be something other than 0deg, and fillets of a given radius applied at the corners, in the System Settings.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
From the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
Auto Size
If this option is checked, then the depth of the restriction is automatically chosen to match that of parallel offsets as defined in the system settings.
If the Auto Size option is not checked, this option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Max Shared Component Offset
This value is used to determine the maximum distance between the two restrictions that is allowed before a single shared component placement is made between them. For distances greater than this, each restriction is given its own component placement instead (as if the restrictions were not paired).
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place the second restriction (without requiring a second click) at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place the second restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen (without requiring a second click), but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place the second restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen (without requiring a second click), following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new pair of restrictions.
If Infer Horizontal , Infer Angle and Infer Perpendicular are not checked, a second point must be clicked in order to add the second restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Parallel Offset
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Parallel Offset type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Parallel Offset restrictions are added parallel to the entity selected.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction. Depending on the length of the entity identified, and the corresponding width ranges in the system settings, the restriction will be added as a parallel offset, chamfered corner or normal edge support.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Point Slot
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Point Slot type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Point Slot restrictions are added at the end of slots.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region the restriction is to be added from. Then pick an entity the restriction is to be created perpendicular to, or hold the Shift key down and pick two entities. The angle of the restriction will then be created relative to these.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Freehand
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Freehand type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Freehand restrictions are either point or corner restrictions, the depth and angle of which are determined interactively.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Absolute angle
If this option is checked, then the angle specified will be used for the angle of the restriction; otherwise, you will be prompted for a second interference point which is used to determine the angle.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region the restriction is to be added from. Then pick a point the restriction is to pass through (first point of interference); a flexible line will be displayed on your cursor. Then, unless the Absolute Angle option has been checked, identify the angle of the restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Radii 
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Radius type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Radius restrictions are circular.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this option allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Paired Radii 
This tool enables you to add a pair of restrictions of Radius type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings. By adding a pair, dynamic stripping components may be shared across both; this is useful where you wish to place two restrictions with one component between them. This shared component is added as a Free restriction.
Radius restrictions are circular.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
From the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Max Shared Component Offset
This value is used to determine the maximum distance between the two restrictions that is allowed before a single shared component placement is made between them. For distances greater than this, each restriction is given its own component placement instead (as if the restrictions were not paired).
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place the second restriction (without requiring a second click) at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place the second restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen (without requiring a second click), but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place the second restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen (without requiring a second click), following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new pair of restrictions.
If Infer Horizontal , Infer Angle and Infer Perpendicular are not checked, a second point must be clicked in order to add the second restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Simple
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Simple type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Simple restrictions are always placed in the same way, even if the point selected for the restriction is close to or at an intersection.
The shape of the restriction is generally rectangular, although the side angles can be defined to be something other than 0deg, and fillets of a given radius applied at the corners, in the System Settings.
Simple restrictions can be placed in pairs, and in combination with Trim Waste .
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this option allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Paired Simple
This tool enables you to add a pair of restrictions of Simple type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings. By adding a pair, dynamic stripping components may be shared across both; this is useful where you wish to place two restrictions with one component between them. This shared component is added as a Free restriction.
Simple restrictions are always placed in the same way, even if the point selected for the restriction is close to or at an intersection.
The shape of the restriction is generally rectangular, although the side angles can be defined to be something other than 0deg, and fillets of a given radius applied at the corners, in the System Settings.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
From the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Max Shared Component Offset
This value is used to determine the maximum distance between the two restrictions that is allowed before a single shared component placement is made between them. For distances greater than this, each restriction is given its own component placement instead (as if the restrictions were not paired).
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place the second restriction (without requiring a second click) at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place the second restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen (without requiring a second click), but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place the second restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen (without requiring a second click), following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new pair of restrictions.
If Infer Horizontal , Infer Angle and Infer Perpendicular are not checked, a second point must be clicked in order to add the second restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Combi
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Combi type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Combi restrictions are always placed in the same way, even if the point selected for the restriction is close to or at an intersection.
The shape of the restriction is generally rectangular, although the side angles can be defined to be something other than 0deg, and fillets of a given radius applied at the corners, in the System Settings.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if the restriction has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this restriction and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component if of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction. Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Riding Knife Radii
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Riding Knife Radius type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Riding Knife Radius restrictions are breakers, and combine a circular lug in the female with an entity for the insertion of a riding knife in the female.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
This option allows you to explicitly override the width of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
Ruled Part
This option allows you to explicitly override whether a ruled part should be placed with the restriction, as defined in the system settings.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Auto Sense
With this option switched on the component will be placed on the point nearest the profile automatically; otherwise, it will use the end point of the clicked entity.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the breaking entity that intersects the female profile, to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Riding Knife Simple
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Riding Knife Simple type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Riding Knife Simple restrictions are breakers, and combine a pair of side restrictions of Simple type in the female with an entity for the insertion of a riding knife in the female.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Side Restriction
From the pulldown list, select the side restriction required, explicitly overriding the default defined in the system settings; choose either a pair of Simple restrictions the neighbour distance away from the breaker or <None>.
Ruled Part
Allows you to explicitly override whether a ruled part should be placed with the restriction, as defined in the system settings.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Auto Sense
With this option switched on the component will be placed on the point nearest the profile automatically; otherwise, it will use the end point of the clicked entity.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the breaking entity that intersects the female profile, to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Wood Bridge 
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Wood Bridge type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Wood Bridge restrictions are breakers, and allow you to split the female profile and create a wooden divide instead of a riding knife.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the breaking entity that splits the female profile, to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > BEBL
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Back Edge Breaker Large (BEBL) type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Back Edge Breaker Large (BEBL) restrictions are breakers, and combine a nose-like lug in the female with an entity for the insertion of a ruled part in the female.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System Settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the breaking entity that intersects the female profile, to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Castle Top 
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Castle Top type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Castle Top restrictions may optionally be defined with a centre notch, giving two separate points of support. Otherwise, the shape of the restriction is generally rectangular, although the side angles can be defined to be something other than 0deg, and fillets of a given radius applied at the corners, in the System Settings.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Switch this option on to access the drop down list of available symbols (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group). This allows you to select a different nick symbol for the restriction.
Double Placement
If this option is checked, then two restrictions are added instead of one.
Offset from end or Snapped point; allows you either place the restriction at the precise point at which you click, or offset from the end of the entity on which you click.
If the double placement option is checked, and Offset from end is selected, restrictions are placed at both ends of the entity.
In Snapped point mode, if the Double Placement option is checked, this allows you to explicitly override the double distance between the two restrictions as defined in the System settings.
In Offset from end mode, this allows you to specify the offset from the end where you wish the restriction/s to be placed.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to reverse the component.
Side Rotate
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and the default component is of Claw, Male Knife or Fork type, then check this option if you wish the component to be automatically rotated to the side.
Side Offset
If the Side Rotate option has been checked, this allows you to change the From side offset value that is used.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Horizontal
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite (following a horizontal line which is displayed in the cursor) that chosen.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Angle
If the Infer Horizontal option has not been checked, then checking this option will still make the tool automatically try to place additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, but using a line that is at the given angle and not necessarily horizontal (which is displayed in the cursor).
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Infer Perpendicular
If this option is checked, then the tool will automatically try to place an additional restriction at a position directly opposite that chosen, following a line which is perpendicular to the picked entity.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
In Snapped point mode, pick a point on the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction.
In Offset from end mode, pick a point nearest the end of the entity in the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new restriction offset from that end.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > First Knife
This tool enables you to add a restriction of First Knife type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided it is an external/outside region, and provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
First Knife restrictions are breakers, with different styles of restrictions available for application to the first strip knives.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Auto Selection
If this option is checked, the style of the restriction is automatically selected based on the trim distance and the ranges specified in the current system settings. Otherwise, it must be manually selected.
Solitaire, Multiple, Two spaced restrictions (cluster A) or Two end restrictions (cluster B); if the auto selection option is not checked, explicitly choose which style you wish to apply regardless of the trim distance.
This option allows you to explicitly override the depth of the restriction as defined in the system settings.
This option allows you to explicitly override the solitaire edge distance as defined in the system settings.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the first strip knife entity to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > SK Nose
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Strip Knife (SK) Nose type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Strip Knife (SK) Nose restrictions are breakers consisting of a nose-like lug in the female.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Place DSC
If this option is checked, then a dynamic stripping component is placed relative to the restriction.
If the place DSC option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If the Place DSC option has been checked, and there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the breaking entity that intersects the female profile, to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Restrictions > Trim Waste
This tool enables you to add a restriction of Trim Waste type to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region, provided it is an external/outside region, and provided this tool is marked as available in the current System Settings.
Trim Waste restrictions are breakers, and combine a pair of side restrictions of Simple type in the female with a symbol for insertion of a trim waste component in the female.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the restriction and any dynamic stripping component placed relative to it is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
From the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Auto Selection
If this option is checked, the female symbol is automatically selected based on the trim distance and the ranges specified in the current system settings. Otherwise, it must be manually selected.
Female Symbols
If the auto selection option is not checked, then from the pulldown list select the female symbol required.
Side Restriction
From the pulldown list, select the side restriction required, explicitly overriding the default defined in the system settings; choose either a pair of Simple restrictions the neighbour distance away from the breaker or <None>.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place restrictions here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
Auto Sense
With this option switched on the component will be placed on the point nearest the profile automatically; otherwise, it will use the end point of the clicked entity.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick the breaking entity that intersects the female profile, to add a new breaker restriction.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.