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Add Dovetail

  Use this tool to split a large dieboard into sections using a dovetail pattern such that the separate sections can be reassembled.

After starting the tool the following edit bar will be diplayed.

From the drop-down list choose the required settings.  Use the edit button to make any local changes to the settings.

The restart button can be used to remove all edits that have been made whilst running the tool, and start the tool again.

The dovetail split lines are drawn on the screen.  Edit handles are displayed as the cursor hovers over an individual dovetail.

Click and drag the middle handle to move the position of the dovetail left and right for horizontal lines or up and down for vertical ones.  Click and drag either of the side handles to alter the width of the dovetail.

Whilst editing a dovetail you can right-click to bring up the context menu.

Press the Accept button on the edit bar to apply the dovetail settings according to the MTS.  This will add the dovetail split lines in the appropriate palette and split the geometry wherever it intersects the split lines.

The picture below shows how a section of the output might look.

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