This page describes how the various Strip tools operate:-
Strip > Inside
Strip > Perimeter
Strip > Path
Strip > Front Edge Lower
Strip > Front Edge Upper
Strip > Select
Strip > Marquee
Strip > Marquee Slot
Strip > Select None
Strip > Save and Exit
Strip > Cancel and Exit
Strip > Inside 
This tool allows you to create the female and/or the male geometry for internal waste areas.
Edit bar controls
Machine Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper Machine Setting required. Defined in the machine settings is if the new geometry is to be created in blocks and if the geometry is to be created in the current layer or a specified layer for each unit.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper Machine Settings form.
System Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper System Settings required.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
If the selected system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Male Waste
If the selected system settings do not define default Male Waste Settings that must always be applied, then turn this option on in order to apply some anyway.
Male Waste Settings
If the Male Waste option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the male waste settings required.
Copy Last Hole
Once one internal shape is complete you can create further copies by checking this option and picking the hole to copy to.
Mirror on Y
If the Copy Last Hole option has been checked, then the original geometry can be mirrored vertically by checking this option before accepting a new hole.
Mirror on X
If the Copy Last Hole option has been checked, then the original geometry can be mirrored horizontally by checking this option before accepting a new hole.
If the Copy Last Hole option has been checked, then the original geometry can be rotated by changing this value before accepting a new hole.
Allow Part Mirroring
If the Copy Last Hole option has been checked, then this further option instructs the tool to treat any mirrored holes as replicas.
This option instructs the tool to check for holes of the same configuration of entities and blocks as the hole selected and automatically create the stripper geometry for them.
These replicas will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the replicas.
Not Mirrored
If the Replicate option has been checked, then this further option instructs the tool whether to replicate holes where the configuration of entities and blocks are mirrored.
Press this button to accept the displayed hole and create the stripper geometry from it.
Press this button to automatically find the next internal waste area in the current layer, and create the stripper geometry from it.
This option will automatically find all internal waste areas in the current layer, and create the stripper geometry from them all in turn.
How to use the tool
To identify the hole to be stripped, pick a point inside the hole and the entities surrounding the picked hole are highlighted in the Entity Path colour, as defined in the Options - Environment - Colours. If the area detected is only part of the area you wish to strip, you can hold the Shift key down whilst picking additional areas – these will be added to the stripped area. Similarly holding Control down will remove picked areas. This part of the tool is similar to the Hole Finder tool. Once the hole to be stripped has been identified press the Accept button.
Alternatively, use the Automatic button to find all the holes for you automatically.
Strip > Perimeter 
This tool allows you to create the female and/or the male geometry for external waste areas.
Edit bar controls
Machine Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper Machine Setting required. Defined in the machine settings is if the new geometry is to be created in blocks and if the geometry is to be created in the current layer or a specified layer for each unit.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper Machine Settings form.
System Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper System Settings required.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
Press this button to accept the displayed perimeter and create the stripper geometry from it.
Rewind eliminated edge
Press this button to rewind the last selection of an edge to be eliminated from the perimeter path.
If the selected system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Male Waste
If the selected system settings do not define default male waste settings that must always be applied, then turn this option on in order to apply some anyway.
Male Waste Settings
If the Male Waste option has been checked, then from the pulldown list select the male waste settings required.
Male Perimeter
If the Male Waste option has not been checked, then this further option instructs the tool to generate a male perimeter anyway, but no male waste components.
Internals Only
This option will create the stripper geometry using a straight female profile on the perimeter. Use this to create the wooden extents for the female and/or male for an internal stripping tool.
Full Perimeter
This option will create the stripper geometry using a full female profile on the perimeter, automatically detecting the lowermost pair of side stripping knives (the knives must have a palette of Strip Knife type) and finding a path between them.
Back Edge Only
This option will create the stripper geometry using a back edge female profile on the perimeter, automatically detecting the uppermost pair of side stripping knives (the knives must have a palette of Strip Knife type) and finding a path between them.
Sides Only
This option will create the stripper geometry using a side female profile on the perimeter, automatically detecting the uppermost and lowermost pairs of stripping knives (the knives must have a palette of Strip Knife type) and finding a path between them on each side.
How to use the tool
To create a female and/or a male to profile the external waste, first pick the entity at the start of the perimeter; this is normally the lower left strip knife. Then pick the entity at the end of the perimeter; this is normally the lower right strip knife. The perimeter found will be highlighted in the Entity Path colour. To add areas to the external stripping profile, pick the entity that breaks the profile and the adjoining area will be added to the perimeter. Once the perimeter has been identified press the Accept button. If the extents of the male or female do not fall within the limits specified in the machine settings, a warning will be displayed.
Alternatively, use the Internals Only , Full Perimeter
, Back Edge Only
, and Sides Only
buttons to find the strip knives for you automatically (the knives must have a palette of Strip Knife type).
Strip > Path 
This tool allows you to create the female and/or the male geometry for external waste areas by defining the path for the external profile.
Edit bar controls
Some of the edit bar controls for this tool are the same as the ones used in the Draw - Path finder tool. A full description of these can be found in the section for that tool.
Interactive - see Path finder tool.
Machine Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper Machine Setting required. Defined in the machine settings is if the new geometry is to be created in blocks and if the geometry is to be created in the current layer or a specified layer for each unit.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper Machine Settings form.
System Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper System Settings required.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
If the selected system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
Always left, Always right, Stop or Users choice; allows you to control the direction of the path at intersections. If you specify Stop then the tool will stop as soon as a junction is reached.
Stop at dead ends
This option determines if the tool will pause when a dead end is reached.
Stick to palette
As with the Path tool, switching this option on forces the path to only include entities with the same palette as the entity that was identified first.
Male on left
This option determines which side of the path the male stripper is to be created.
This option allows you to rewind the path findings.
Press this button to accept the displayed path and create the stripper geometry from it.
How to use the tool
Pick the start entity, then indicate the start direction of the path by picking a point, and finally pick the destination entity of the path. Depending on the settings you have chosen on the edit bar, the tool may pause at intersections or dead ends. At intersections, pick a point to indicate which direction the path is to continue. Once the path has been identified, press the Accept button to create the perimeter.
Strip > Front Edge Lower 
This tool allows you to create the perimeter for the lower front edge stripping unit.
Edit bar controls
Machine Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper Machine Setting required. Defined in the machine settings is if the new geometry is to be created in blocks and if the geometry is to be created in the current layer or a specified layer for each unit.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper Machine Settings form.
System Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper System Settings required.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
Press this button to accept the displayed perimeter and create the stripper geometry from it.
Rewind eliminated edge
This option rewinds the last selection of an edge to be eliminated from the perimeter path.
How to use the tool
Pick the start entity and then pick the destination entity. The perimeter found will be highlighted in the Entity Path colour. Once the perimeter has been identified, press the Accept button to create the perimeter.
Strip > Front Edge Upper 
This tool allows you to create the perimeter for the upper front edge stripping unit.
Edit bar controls
Machine Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper Machine Setting required. Defined in the machine settings is if the new geometry is to be created in blocks and if the geometry is to be created in the current layer or a specified layer for each unit.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper Machine Settings form.
System Settings
From the pulldown list select the Stripper System Settings required.
You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
Press this button to accept the displayed perimeter and create the stripper geometry from it.
Rewind eliminated edge
This option rewinds the last selection of an edge to be eliminated from the perimeter path.
How to use the tool
Pick the start entity and then pick the destination entity. The perimeter found will be highlighted in the Entity Path colour. Once the perimeter has been identified, press the Accept button to create the perimeter.
Strip > Select 
This tool allows you to select either a particular stripping area/region for editing, or a particular restriction and/or component(s) within that stripping area/region, and edit them.
Edit bar controls
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the system settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any restrictions added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Click on any entity that belongs to the stripping area/region to select that region for editing. Components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes.
Small square drag handles can be clicked upon in order to select that restriction and/or component(s); a second click will enable that restriction and/or component(s) to be picked up, with a further click used to put them back down in a new location.
Triangular drag handles only appear for selected components. Click on them to move the component, constrained so that the movement is only in one direction (in order to maintain the component’s offset from the profile).
Diamond drag handles only appear for selected components, and then only if the Angled option is turned on. Click on them to rotate the component.
Hold the Shift key down to make large square drag handles appear for selected components. Click on them (keeping the key held) to drag the component into a new position, resizing the component interactively. If the component is not placed relative to a restriction, then the end of the component that is selected is brought to the mouse position.
Hold the Control key down to make large square drag handles appear for selected components. Click on them (keeping the key held) to drag the component into a new position, resizing the component interactively. If the component is not placed relative to a restriction, then the end of the component that is not selected is left at its existing position.
The Angled option can be used in combination with the Shift and Control keys in order to allow or prevent rotation.
Strip > Marquee 
The marquee is a rectangle which can be used to aid selection.
This tool allows you to define a rectangular selection across all of the stripper areas/regions within the drawing layer, with restrictions and components that may lie in different stripper areas/regions.
The marquee can be used in combination with the Copy , Delete
and Alternative Symbols
On activating the tool, simply pick the two corners of the rectangle. The marquee remains on display until you specifically remove it; it does not consist of entities, so cannot be deleted in the usual way.
To remove the marquee, use the Select None tool.
Strip > Marquee Slot 
The marquee slot is a closed area that can be used to aid selection.
This tool allows you to define a selection across all of the stripper areas/regions within the drawing layer, with restrictions and components that may lie in different stripper areas/regions.
The marquee can be used in combination with the Copy , Delete
, Add Forced Slot
and Alternative Symbols
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then the tool will look for closed areas which include the stripper areas/regions as the boundary. This is very useful for quickly identifying slots.
How to use the tool
On activating the tool, simply pick a point within an existing slot (when Slots are visible) in order to select it, or pick the corners of a polygon which defines the closed area of the marquee, one by one; the tool will automatically select the area when you form a complete closed path. The marquee remains on display until you specifically remove it; it does not consist of entities, so cannot be deleted in the usual way.
To remove the marquee, use the Select None tool.
Strip > Select None 
This tool allows you to deselect all the stripper areas/regions, restrictions and components. It removes any marquee that may be active.
Strip > Save and Exit 
This tool allows you to save and exit from the Stripper Creator and return to Impact, making changes to the drawing as required.
Depending on the system settings used for each of the stripper areas/regions in the drawing, a number of warnings may be displayed if there are insufficient bridges, component clashes or no male waste components.
If the Stripper Creator detects that there are waste areas that possibly haven’t been stripped, it will ask for confirmation that you really do want to save and exit; in this case, it is assumed that the user intends to return to the Stripper Creator in order to complete the stripper design at a later time. Please note that this check is not fail-safe; it is still the responsibility of the user to make sure that they have fully completed the design themselves before signing it off.
Strip > Cancel and Exit 
This tool allows you to cancel and exit from the Stripper Creator and return to Impact, without making any changes to the drawing.
The tool will always ask you for confirmation that you are really sure that you want to exit without saving the stripper, as the action is irreversible.