Edit > Nicks 
This tool enables you to add nicks to the female profile of the currently selected stripper area/region.
Edit bar controls
From the pulldown list select the nick symbol (as defined in Options > Database Operation > Symbols > Nick Symbol Group ) you wish to add.
Auto Infer
If this option is checked, then the tool will check for the same configuration of entities and blocks as the picked entity in other parts of the stripper area/region, and automatically place nicks here too.
These inferences will be linked so that editing one later will affect all of the inferences.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any nicks added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Select the Symbol to add, then identify the position of the nick by snapping the point to the profile of the selected stripper area/region.
Existing nicks within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.