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Hole Finder

Edit Bar controls: Settings, Favourites, Replicate, Accept.

This tool allows you to create new geometry offsetting inside and or outside from an area defined by existing geometry. This tool can also profile entities inside or entities breaking the external hole.

Settings - from the pulldown list select the setting required. The settings are stored in the Master Tool Settings.

You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the button to the right of the pulldown list and changing the values shown in the Path / Hole Finding dialog.

Favourites - settings may be flagged as Favourites.

Replicate - instructs the tool to check for holes of the same configuration of entities and blocks as the hole selected and automatically copy the geometry.

Accept - will accept the displayed hole and create the new geometry from it.

To identify the hole, pick a point inside the hole, the entities surrounding the picked hole are highlighted in white. If the area detected is only part of the area you wish to offset from, you can hold the Shift key down while picking additional areas - these will be added to the hole.

Similarly holding Control down will remove picked areas. Once the hole has been identified press the Accept button.

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Favourites.

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