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Edit Bar controls: Mode, Shorten Amount, Apply.

This tool allows you to shorten an entity (or all selected entities) at one or both ends. 

The Mode is one of:

  • Shorten At Both
  • Shorten At End 
  • Shorten At Start

The start and end are defined by the direction of the entity (not by where you pick it). You may wish to make direction arrows visible (via View>Visibility) to aid the operation.

Either pick an entity or press Apply to shorten all selected entities. Alternatively, if you pick a point in space this will start a line cursor. You can now draw the line cursor so that it crosses several lines. Each of these crossed lines will then be shortened accordingly.

If using Shorten At Both, the entity is shortened at each end by half of Shorten Amount

Related topics: Edit - Trim - Extend

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