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Edit Bar controls: Interactive, X, Y, Number, Selection, Apply.

This tool is used to create multiple copies of the selected entities offset relatively from a base point.

Before activating the tool, select the entities to be transformed. Alternatively, if you start the tool without any selected entities you will be first asked to identify a single entity to be transformed. 

The outcome of whether the transformed entities are selected or not is determined by the Selection option. Select New, Select None, Select Original, Select All and Select Last.

If you wish the entities to be offset by a specified distance, switch off the Interactive option, enter the X and Y distances, enter the Number of copies required and press the Apply button.

If you want to position the transformed entities manually, use the Interactive option, enter the Number of copies required and pick a start point followed by an end point to define the rotation and offset. If you started the tool without any selected entities then the first point you pick must be on the entity to be transformed.

The Number can be adjusted interactively using the keyboard arrow keys to Nudge the value up or down.

Related topics: Selecting, Edit - Transform - Rectangular Array, Edit - Transform - Polar Array

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