Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Optimise Slots

Slots are defined as a sequence of connected entities, either around the perimeter of a design or internally forming a closed loop.

The order in which these entities is processed can be particularly important when outputting to a sample maker. For example, with a long narrow slot on the perimeter of a design, it is often better for a sample maker to cut into the slot from either side, rather than going into the slot on one side and out on the other side.

After starting the tool, from the drop-down list on the edit bar you should choose the required Master Tool Settings.

The tool will identify which geometry matches the settings and highlight it. You can then pick on any of the slots that you don't want to be optimised and the highlighting will be removed from that geometry. At any time you can press the Restart button and all the slots will be highlighted again.

When you are happy that all the required slots are highlighted you should press the Accept button. The highlighted slots will have their geometry modified according to the settings.

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