Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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This tool is used to delete all selected entities from the current block or layer.

Before activating the tool, select the entities to be deleted.

Note, an alternative is to use the Edit>Cut tool which allows you to cut entities from one location (or drawing) and paste them into another location (or drawing). 

When deleting block or symbol inserts, bear in mind that you are only deleting the reference to the block/symbol. There may be other inserts for the same block within the project. Even if there are none, the entities for the block remain part of the project and new block inserts may be added at any time. To delete blocks or symbols completely from a drawing, you must first delete all insertions of the block or symbol using this tool, then delete the block or symbol itself using the Block>Purge tool.

Related topics: Edit - Undo, Edit - Cut, Edit - Paste

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