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Line Bisect Angle

Edit Bar controls: Construction Line, Line Length, Length Mode, Line Position, Create Duplicate Entities, Palette Group, Palette.

This tool allows you to draw a line bisecting the angle between two existing lines. The line may be of specified length, or may be an infinite construction line.

Construction Line - determines if the lines are to be construction lines or drawn in the current palette.

Line Length - determines the length of the line, subject to the selected Length Mode. You can either enter the required length on the edit bar or use the Nudge keys to adjust the length interactively.

Length Mode - this determines the length mode used to create the line.

  • Line Length - the line will be the line length specified in the Line Length value.
  • X-Offset - the horizontal distance between the start and end points of the line drawn will correspond to the value in the Line Length value.
  • Y-Offset - the vertical distance between the start and end points of the line drawn will correspond to the value in the Line Length value.

Line Position - this is the position of the cursor on the new line.

  • Bottom/Left - the cursor position will be to the bottom or to the left.
  • Centre - the cursor position will be central.
  • Top/Right - the cursor position will be to the top or to the right.

Select the Edit Bar options and pick the existing lines (you cannot select arcs or circles). The bisecting line is positioned relative to the intersection of the two lines.

Where the two original lines cross, the position of the new line depends upon the Line Position setting and the segment of the lines picked; it does not depend on the order in which you pick the lines.

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools

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