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Edit Bar controls: Interactive, Distance, Number, Sharp Corners, Leave Original, Use Original Palette.

This tool allows you to create offset entities from a series of selected lines or arcs. The entities to offset from must form a continuous path that may be open or closed.

Interactive - this option allows you to pick the distance from the originally selected entities to the new geometry, rather than entering a distance.

Distance - distance from the originally selected entities to the new geometry.

Number - the number of new paths to be offset from the original.

Sharp Corners - specifies if the offset geometry from sharp corners are to be trimmed with a fillet or to a corner. If not checked, any entities that are extended, are joined by an arc centred on the original intersection point.

Leave Original - determines if the original entities are to be deleted.

Use Original Palette - if checked, the new geometry will be assigned the same palette as the original selected entities. If unchecked, the new geometry will be assigned to the current palette.

To create the offset geometry, first select the entities from which to offset. Then pick one of the selected entities to the side that the new geometry is to be created. The properties of each offset entity are determined by the properties of the original entity.

The original entities are deselected and the new entities are selected.

NOTE: To offset a single line, arc or circle use the Draw - Line - Offset tool instead.

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Interactive, Draw - Line - Offset

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