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Arc 2 Points

Edit Bar controls: Interactive, From centre, Sweep, Clockwise, Tangential, Duplicate Entities

This tool allows you to create an arc, passing through two points.

In Interactive mode, with From centre unchecked, pick a point defining the start of the arc, followed by a second point defining the end of the arc (and the arc radius). The radius is generated interactively, in accordance with the active Grid Setting interval (Small, Medium or Large). The second point also allows you to define the start angle of the arc, interactively, in accordance with the Grid Setting Angle interval.

A third click is required to define the bulge of the arc - again, this is generated interactively, in accordance with the active Grid Settings Interval. There are no Edit Bar controls for this combination.

In Interactive mode with From centre checked, pick a point defining the arc centre, followed by a point defining the start of the arc (and the arc radius). Again, this is generated interactively, in accordance with the active Grid Setting interval. A third click is required to define the sweep of the arc, interactively, in accordance with the Grid Settings Angle Interval. An additional Edit Bar control is displayed (Clockwise) to create a clockwise arc.

In Non-interactive mode, with From centre checked, pick a point defining the arc centre, followed by a second point defining the start of the arc (and therefore the arc radius, again interactively, in accordance with the active Grid Setting interval). Note that the second point also allows you to define a start angle for the arc, interactively, in accordance with the Grid Setting Angle interval. Additional Edit Bar controls are displayed for this combination (Sweep and Clockwise), allowing you to specify the sweep of the arc and also to create a clockwise arc.

In Non-interactive mode, with From centre unchecked, pick a point to define the start of the arc. Pick a second point to define the arc end (and therefore the radius, again interactively, in accordance with the active Grid Setting interval). Note that the second point also allows you to set the chord length & angle, interactively, in accordance with the active Grid Setting interval and Grid Setting Angle interval. An additional Edit Bar control is displayed (Tangential). When the start point of the arc lies on an entity, this option automatically chooses a start angle (based on the direction of the entity), which will result in a continuous path (ie a tangential arc). If Tangential is unchecked, then a further Edit Bar control is displayed (Start Angle), allowing you to define the start angle of the arc.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint is added for each click that's on an entity
  • In Non-interactive mode, with From centre unchecked and Tangential enabled, a tangential constraint is added between the new arc and the first click entity

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools

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